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"Time-y what now?"
"Nothing, just ho ho ho!"

Doctor who and the umbrella academy crossover

It was a normal day. A normal Christmasy day.

And I mean it was.

Emphasize the was.

Everyone was doing they're own stuff, from painting their nails and doing their make up, to attempting murder.

Sad thing is, you can't really say who would be doing what. The old children- cause they act like kids but are like 30- could be found doing those stuff based on their mood. But luckily, after sometime and with Alex nagging constantly, they went to the living room in their pajamas (some in their onesies) to watch a movie. The tree was place in the corner of the living room and was decorated with so much glitter it was concerning, Grace had dug our the lights and everyone had put a thing or two on the tree. The tree was a perfect mix of the family. With the glitter, knives and bombs all over it. The Hargreeves were happy with the outcome. Even Five smiled a tiny smile!

After constant bickering over what to watch (Klaus was sitting on Luther and yelling "NEMO" in his face -Ben was shouting too but klaus' voice overpowered him- while Diego had his knives out and was threatening Alex with them. Alex wanted to watch 'dumb and dumber' and Diego wanted 'Titanic'. Five had insisted on watching a documentary on global warming and would teleport anyone who said otherwise to a desert until Grace would walk in and make him bring them back. Vanya had said 'the pianist' and was silent ever since, watching as her siblings tore each other apart) Allison rumored everyone and they quietly sat and waited for Allison to put a movie on

So here they were, watching "Home alone" and shouting at the screen when Trump appeared, when they heard a strange noise coming from outside.

Alex paused the movie and stood beside Vanya who was wearing her white pajamas.

"What was that?" Ben asked. He had a Nemo onesies.

No one replied. Except for the dumb one.

"Santa?" Alex said with a shrug.

They all looked at Five, excepting the man child to have some answers. He just took a sip from his margarita and shrugged.

They all started going to the back yard, where they heard the noise come from.

As they got closer, they could hear a man with Scottish accent.

"...Gerard Way,Gabriel Ba. All of them! That reminds me, I don't want to run into the cast. I owe Mathew a chimichanga."

"You what?!" They heard another female voice.

"Eh, it was a bet and- Ohh! Interesting!" The male seemed to be distracted by something, Causing the female to huff. 

The eight Hargreeves looked at each other, and they opened the door. Slowly might I add.

As the female turned, she was met with the sight of seven adults huddled together wearing pajamas-two of which were hello kitty and not worn by the females- and a teenager drinking margarita.

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