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"Listen up, old man." Klaus Hargreeves stared at the urn that held his father's ashes. Alex was sitting on a chair behind Klaus, Ben had wandered off and wasn't around, probably had enough of Klaus' shit.

"You know, if I was murdered, and if one of my sons-adopted sons-happened to be able to commune with the dead, I might think about," Klaus laughed and clapped his hands. "I don't know, I don't know manifesting! Do the whole big angry ghost lecture."

Behind him Alex rolled his eyes at his lovers antics and leaned back in his chair. If only he could get his hands on some pop corn.

"Tell everyone who done it, and find eternal peace."

"Or he had a normal heart attack and died because he was, oh I don't know, old!" Alex said sarcastically. He was fed up with everyone thinking it was a murder. Idiots, it's could have been suicide for all they know.

Klaus turned to his lover and grinned. He loves when Alex turns sarcastic, which is most of the time. He turned back to his dead fathers ashes.

"Eternal peace is probably overrated. Come on now, Reggie." Alex gave a snort.
"Any time now." Klaus paused and then added, "Please."

" you and I both know that's  not going to work. You need to sober up. Clear your thoughts." Alex suggested.

Klaus turned to Alex and pouted. "That's not fair! I see you and Ben with no problem, well Ben sometimes goes away but I never had a problem with seeing you!" Klaus whined. He did not want to get sober. Even the thought of being sober made him shudder.

"Just take a deep breath," klaus exhaled. "Now try it again"

Klaus did what he was told to do, just less calmly.

"Come on! Come on, chop-chop! You were always a stubborn bastard." Klaus started panting.

"I don't know about you but I need a drink."

"Make that two." Alex shouted.

"You can't drink, you're dead you idiot." Klaus shouted back and turned to look at the only ghost present- to his knowledge- in the room. Resulting in him knocking his hand onto the urn and making it spill.

"And there goes daddy dearest, yay!"

Suddenly music started playing in the whole house.

And klaus started dancing.

With the urn.

That contained their dads ashes.

Alex sighed. "Where's my fucking drink?"

klaus turned to Alex and beckoned him to join him in his little show.

Alex shock his head. And when klaus was about to touch him-forgetting that he was dead and therefore not able to touch- a loud thunder interrupted their dance. Glasses began to shatter and lockets began to clatter.

INVISIBLE ☂︎ Klaus HargreevesWhere stories live. Discover now