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The funeral was held outside, during a snowy day

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The funeral was held outside, during a snowy day.

The remaining members of the academy all gathered, with their umbrellas the only thing sheltering them from the snow, around the coffin that was now covered in snow.

they formed a circle around it, siblings mourning their brother.

The design on the coffin resembled an octopus, with Ben's picture in the middle of it.

Pogo stepped forward, "Your father is ready to give the eulogy, children."

Reginald Hargreeves didn't look at any of the children, Grace, or Pogo, when he started talking, "The world is full of injustice, good people die along with the bad. This cosmic equation will never change unless evil itself is wiped from existence. Thankfully there are powerful sources pushing back against the wicked and iniquitous. individuals who have the strength to pull together against insurmountable odds and not to hesitate to sacrifice themselves for another."

Luther and Allison looked at each other, they like their other siblings had tears in their eyes and were sniffing.

"Unfortunately,  none of you are such people. Despite years of training and weeks of preparation, you allowed Number Six to die  -on this mission."

"It wasn't our fault," Allison protested immediately.

"Excuses?  I will not hear them.  The Umbrella Academy has failed one of their own,  the consequences of which are dire. Hold on to this feeling, children. Let it fester in your hearts... so there is never a next time.  Training will be canceled today out of respect for your brother. We resume tomorrow at 6:00 a.m. Number Eight, I expect to see you in my office in an hour, don't be late."

And without another word, Reginald left and was soon followed by Grace and Pogo.

The sound of Grace's heels faded and was replaced with the sniffing sound of the six remaining Hargreeves.

"It wasn't anybody's fault," Vanya tried to comfort her siblings.

"How would you know Vanya? You weren't even on the mission," Diego snapped at her.

With one last look at the others, Vanya turned and left.

"Nice going asshole," Luther said.

"What? we were all thinking it!"

"Oh, so you're thinking Diego? that's a first," Allison backed Luther up.

"Screw you!"

"Hey! dad was right! we should've tried harder, this didn't have had to happen!"

Luther, Diego, and Allison left why arguing, leaving only Klaus and Alex.

Klaus went to stand next to the coffin and used his powers to conjure Ben's clothes.

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