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After a beautiful reunion between Alex and his grandpa, Five, they both decided that they've wasted enough time and now they have to get serious

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After a beautiful reunion between Alex and his grandpa, Five, they both decided that they've wasted enough time and now they have to get serious. As serious as Alex can get. Which is very serious.

Five suggested finding Diego, who he had apparently left in a mental hospital. Alone.

After Five got an earful about not leaving your brother in a mental hospital after revealing his plan for escape, they set their eyes on anyone matching Diego's description.

Which is a Hispanic dude with long hair.

Alex pouted when he heard Diego had long hair —and that it suited him—while Odessa had told him that if he ever thought about growing his hair, he should go dig himself a grave before visiting him.

Before they could even make their way to the hospital, news reached them about a recent shoot out at the hospital and the possibility of some escaped patients.

So, visiting there would be a waste of time —a time they didn't have—so the next best thing would be looking for stolen cars in the area, then asking around for a man with Diego's description and-

Five sighed before interrupting Alex's Sherlock mode and poofed himself somewhere else. without Alex.

Alex huffed and puffed before leaving.

Five, on the other hand, had successfully located his mentally ill brother and arrived perfectly on time to make a jab at his younger brother.

"I'm not trying to be a hero, okay?" Diego was saying to a girl sitting beside him in the car.

The girl --we all know it's Lila-- looked at Diego, "Then why are you doing this?"

"Because he is an idiot," Five said, and honestly, he didn't need to know what they were talking about before his arrival to say that. Every single sibling he had was an idiot and that was a fact.

Lila turned around with a surprised look, "Who the hell are you?"

Five smiled the fakest smile and waved, "Hi, I'm his second loving brother."

"Who left me to rot in the nuthouse," Diego who hadn't even blinked when Five had spoken, said with the most 'I'm-done-with-everyone's-bs' voice.

"To protect you from yourself," Older brother knows best and all.

"That's quite sweet."

A moment of silence before Diego spoke, "Okay, both of you, out."

Five leaned closer to Diego like he was sharing a secret, "Lose the crazy lady and come with me, we have important business."

"I'm not going anywhere with you."

Five looked out of the car and noticed a cop walking by, "Okay fine," He then stuck his head out the window and yelled, "Officer!"

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