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Running, That's what he was doing, He had to be there

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Running, That's what he was doing, He had to be there. he had to.

Vanya looked down at the brain in front of her. She didn't want to eat it, she really didn't, but the rest of the academy were staring at her, they all had eaten some, and now they were all staring at her, waiting for her to eat the brain. Reginald's eyes were dead, he stared at her with his cold eyes, waiting.

hesitatingly, she picked up her spoon and scooped up a little of the brain, and slowly raised it to her mouth.

with the first chew, it seemed like doors were starting to open in her brain, and then-

and then she remembered.

He had to run faster, he was needed, he needed to be faster.

"One more bite and then you can go," Reginald told her. It was suddenly just the two of them.

Vanya didn't want to, she already remembered more than she did before, but she still scooped up some more and ate her second bite of the brain.

she remembered, she remembered everything.

Her mother, her siblings, her time at the academy, her powers, Harold Jenkins, Allison's throat, Alex dying, Pogo, the light-

the end of the world.

faster, faster-

Klaus struggled to look outside the elevator. the raw power coming from Vanya was overwhelming.

"Umm, guys a question, who are we trying to save Vanya from?"

"FBI!" Diego and Allison answered at the same time.

The three were hiding behind a table, trying to shield themselves against Vanya's power.

"Well, they're all stuck at the ceiling right now, why hasn't she stopped?"

Diego and Allison exchanged a look before looking at Klaus.

They had to get to the room at the end of the hall, Vanya was in there.


Allison was the first to try, she ignored Klaus and Diego fighting and left the shelter they had found.

The plan backfired on her when a giant blast of powers threw her back against the shelter and knocked her out.

Diego was next.

"Wait, wait, there's something I need to tell you," Klaus said before Diego could throw himself out there.

"Klaus, I don't have time for this," Diego groaned.

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