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this chapter is dedicated to the amazing and wonderful MoonWolf2004

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this chapter is dedicated to the amazing and wonderful MoonWolf2004


All the Hargreaves children that were present, shouted and looked everywhere in the remains of what was once their home, looking for their brother and lover.

"Guys," Luther called out when he found what was once the living room, Pogo's corpse laying a few feet away from where he was. "This is where he was, there's nothing left of it."

The six remaining Hargreeves walked to where number one was, and they instantly knew that nothing could survive this destruction. Even if Alex was alive before, they doubted that he was now.

Allison started to sob silently, Diego had a murderous look on his face. His hands were grasping at the Handel of a knife he had taken out of nowhere. Allison ran to him and sobbed on his chest. Seeing this, Diego wrapped his arms around her and rubbed her back gently.

Five was looking at the newspaper, trying to see if he could find anything about a body being found or something, anything that hinted at Alex being alive. Or even if he- if he wasn't alive, there should be a body! he couldn't have just disappeared.

Luther was staring at the destruction. Silently blaming himself for what happened. If he hadn't knocked Alex out, he could have got out. If he hadn't reacted the way he did to Vanya, None of this wouldn't have happened. Pogo, Grace, and Alex would still be with them

Ben was just staring at his surrendering with a hunted look on his face, "He-"

Klaus looked over at him, "Ben, Come on."

Ben turned and looked at him, "Klaus, can you see him?"

"I-" Klaus looked at the others, they were either in mourning or in shock, "I can't see him."

Diego lightly patted Klaus on his shoulder, the other arm still around Allison, "Let's get out of here."

"What about Alex?" Five asked with a panicked look on his face that made the others pause, the brother that was older than all of them and had worried about nothing but the apocalypse since he had arrived, was worried for his brother. The brother that acted like an older brother despite them all being the same age. Five usually didn't show emotions unless it was towards Vanya or Alex and at that moment they were both unavailable. One being the cause of the destruction around them, and the other one being under the said destruction.

INVISIBLE ☂︎ Klaus HargreevesWhere stories live. Discover now