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Just want to say something before we start, I've read a lot about people saying that Luther and Allison's relationship is incest and seeing that my character is a Hargreeves, just wanted to make something clear.
Luther and Allison were adopted and therefore not sharing the same DNA. While growing up, they started to develop feelings for each other and you could see that this started in a young age, therefore making them see each other as best friends at first and finally as lovers. Another thing is that they more likely were raised as teammates rather than siblings with Reginald's treating and it wasn't till later that he made Grace to raise them. This all goes for my OC and Klaus. So no, this isn't incest.

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"In five, four, three, two..." the news reporter began, "This is Jim Hellerman, reporting live for Channel 2 News outside of the Capital West bank at Main and Sixth.
A group of heavily armed men stormed the bank not three hours ago and took an unknown number of hostages."

Inside the bank, the alarm continued to blare as the group of men were pushing hostages away from where they wanted to go. One shoving them under the counter, as the other one communicated on a radio.

"Now you've put me in a position where I gotta do something I don't want to do.
Hmm?" The second man said as he watched the hostages be shoved away. "Shit!"

A thirteen-year-old Allison Hargreaves skipped to the man with an innocent look, but we all know she was anything but. The man turned to her, finally noticing the child out of place in a crime scene.

"Hey, get back with the others." He said, waving his gun to where the hostages were crouched.

"I heard a rumor." Allison began with a grin.

What? What did you say?" The man asked in confusion, leaning closer to hear the little girl clearly.

"I heard a rumor that you shot your friend in the foot." Allison's voice echoing as she cupped her hand around her mouth.

The man leaned back in a state of hypnosis, before pointing his gun at another one of men, and shooting him in the foot and then the arm as he fell.

"We just heard shots from inside the bank.
It's uncertain if any hostages have been harmed in that."

A shadow was cast over the room as something moved on the glass roof. A body falling to the ground behind the counter, a young Luther Hargreeves head popped up from the ground, bashing the head of one of the men before throwing him across the room and out the window.

INVISIBLE ☂︎ Klaus HargreevesWhere stories live. Discover now