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The dislike that the Hargreeves had for Vanya started when she wrote her book

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The dislike that the Hargreeves had for Vanya started when she wrote her book. The extra ordinary. The book that gave out all the secrets they had.

It was a surprise for Alex when he found Klaus and Ben sitting in a group therapy and reading a book.

He walked to them with a look of confusion.

"Is Klaus reading a book."  He asked as he got right behind Ben.

He didn't get any response. The two were so invested in the book that they didn't hear him.

"Hey I just found out that I can make myself solid, wanna have sex Klaus?" Alex said just to see if they were listening.

Klaus immediately turned his head towards his lover with a stupid grin on his face. The book forgotten.



Were two responses he got from the two.

Alex gave Klaus a look. "No you idiot."

He glanced at the book. "What you guys reading?" He asked the two and was met with a surprising response.

"Vanya wrote a book about us-" Ben began.

"That's great!"

"- and outed all our secrets." Ben finished.

Alex's happy expression froze. And a frown took it's place. "That's not too great."

Klaus nodded. "It's not, come read it with us?"

Alex shrugged, "sure, I got nothing better to do."

And that's how the three of them read the book about themselves.

"My name is Vanya Hargreeves, and this is my story. We were never a real family."

Alex frowned. They might have been some complications in the family- such as having a robot for a mother and a cold hearted man for a father- but they still had each other and that's what he called family.

"We were our father's creation, family in name, but not in fact.

In the end, after our brother Ben had died, there was really nothing connecting us.
We were just strangers living under the same roof"

"What about Alex?" Ben asked in confusion. Alex was a part of the family, he should have been mentioned.

"destined to be alone"

"starved for attention"

"damaged by our upbringing"

"Oh, my God. She wrote that?" Ben asked in disbelief.

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