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It turned out not only Klaus was dead but Alex was dead too!

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It turned out not only Klaus was dead but Alex was dead too!


"What the fuck are you doing here?" Klaus asked his now-for-real-dead lover.

They were both standing in the barbershop, a radio was playing in the background, Alex couldn't identify the language but if he had to guess it was french.

"Me? I cracked my head and died, The fuck you doing here?"

"I think they cracked my head too."

"Huh," there was a moment of silence before they burst out laughing. Klaus was leaning on Alex as they laughed like their lives depended on it.

"Were so messed up dude," Klaus said between his laughs.

"Oh, you're telling me?"

After a while of laughing at how fucked up they were, they finally calmed down and started looking around the shop.

"Hey," Klaus said as he was looking at the photos on the wall, photos of the umbrella academy, all grown up.

"Jezz, stalker much," Alex said from behind him and looked at the photos.

"Did you," Klaus said and turned to face his lover, "Did you by any chance see a little girl riding her bicycle?"

"It was a tricycle, and yes. We talked and she seemed nice. I think she liked me for some strange reason." Alex shrugged like it was no biggie.

"Huh," On the outside Klaus seemed calm but on the inside, he was freaking the fuck out because what if she decides to keep Alex? Klaus can't lose him now or ever and if she keeps Alex from him, Klaus wage war against her. Not sure how he's gonna win, but he's dam well gonna try.

Klaus went and sat on one of the chairs there and Alex started to snoop around.

Suddenly, an apron was put around Klaus's neck from behind. Like you know, how barbers do their stuff.

"holy fu-" Klaus heard Alex whisper from where he was standing, but before he could turn around to see who was standing behind him, a wet towel was put on his head and blocked his vision.

"Oh. Oh! That feels nice." Klaus said and felt his chair spin around.

"What in God's name took you so long?" A familiar and elderly voice said from behind him.

Klaus froze. and he never froze so it was a surprise.


Now he understood why Alex had freaked out and had gone quiet.

"I expected my son who can conjure the dead to have brought me forth days ago," Sir Reginald Hargreeves said in all his glory, as he placed some towels on Klaus's shoulder.

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