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"I've got an idea!" Alex said once he ran into Klaus's room, with a crazy look on his face

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"I've got an idea!" Alex said once he ran into Klaus's room, with a crazy look on his face. He was panting from the little run from the bathroom to the room.

Klaus slowly set the eyeliner that he was using down and turned and gave a weary look to his lover, "Okay?"

"I'm," Alex puffed his chest out, "Gonna be an artist!"

Klaus blinked.

"You want to be an artist?"



Alex huffed and crossed his arms, "Yes me, now go pose I wanna draw you," he made a shoo-shoo hand gesture and took out a pencil and a paper out of god knows where.

Klaus shrugged, his lover had done weirder stuff before.

He made his way to his bed and laid on it, "draw me like one of your French girls"

And Alex did.

Half an hour later, Ben walked through a wall, gave the two a look and then looked at what Alex was drawing.

It was fascinating how a person could have so much confidence in their work when all they were doing was drawing a stick figure.

For half an hour.


"That nice, huh?" Alex said without looking at Ben.

Klaus had a shitty grin on his face.

"I'm just glad he's not naked," Ben looked at Klaus and then immediately regretted it.

Klaus sat up with a wider grin and Alex balled the paper that he was working on and threw it at the trash can. He did not make the shot.

As klaus began to strip, Alex got up in search of a paper, and Ben ran out of the room screaming like a kid.

With another smile, the two went back to what they were doing.

It was hours later when the next victim of the two walked in, Five opened the door and found Klaus lying on his bed struggling with knitting needles and Alex was sprawled on the floor, face down and crying.

"What's wrong with him ?" Five pointed at Alex who had now curled into a ball.

"He, uh," Klaus tried to free his hands from the wool barn, "He was trying to play with the cat."

"We don't have a cat," Five said looking at the crying 31-Year-old, who started to cry even harder when He was reminded of the fact.


"WHY CAN'T WE HAVE A DOG??" Alex wailed.

"Weren't you crying over the cat?" Five asked.

"WEll NOW I WANT A DOG!" Alex shouted getting on his feet and then storming out the door.

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