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[officially the longest chapter in this book]

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[officially the longest chapter in this book]

After he absolutely destroyed Reginald, Alex lead everyone outside and then arranged for their transport to their respective destinations.

After Diego finished hugging him to death, he asked them if they wanted to stay with him and Klaus for the night which some declined, and some accepted.

So he sent Diego and Luther, and Five with Klaus —and of course, Ben— with a stern look and hands on his hip to not antagonize each other for the night. Five rolled his eyes and stated that he was the oldest so he didn't need to be lectured by his baby brother and then before Alex could start his 'why I'm the eldest and you should listen to me' speech Diego and Luther quickly grabbed Five by the arms and led him to a car and then shouted for Klaus, who was kissing Alex, to get in the car before they left without him — which they wouldn't but still made Klaus clumsily go to the car. Alex chuckled at the sight.

Allison had her husband waiting for her back so Alex called her a cab and then gave the driver the scare of his life when he threatened him to safely drive his sister home or else. Allison huffed —but was secretly pleased— and promised to call the mansion when she arrived just to ease his mind and then told the cab driver to start when Alex agreed.

Vanya left with a stunning woman which made Alex applause his sister in his head for her taste. He, after introducing himself and charming Sissy, asked them if they were all right for the night and didn't need a place or transportation home which they declined nicely and then left.

After that, he took a deep breath before going back inside to the Tiki Lounge, where he knew Reginald would be waiting for him.

"Sup," Alex greeted him with a nod of his head, no sign of his previous hostility.

"You seem to be their leader," Reginald said as he mentioned for Alex to sit down next to him by the bar.

"I'm the second eldest, but since Five is a kid too, no matter how much he hates to admit it, I get the responsibility. It's not about being the leader, it's about the respect we have for each other," Alex shrugged as he ordered a Martini, shaken not stirred.

He took a sip and looked at the barista, "someday, you'll get the joke."

He got a weird look before he turned his attention back on Reggie who was studying him with calculative eyes.

"The other night, your brother quoted Homer at me, why?" Reggies said as he pours himself some cognac.

Alex groaned, "Oh that book, you forced us all to learn it as kids. In the original Greek which was a pain the fucking ass."

Reginald looks at him and before he could open his mouth, Alex beat him to it, "So the whole point of this meeting was to tell you the worlds gonna go boom poof in Five days, so we came here to ask if you know anything or can help or whatever," he waved his drink around a little, "We need to stop it and go back to our original timeline. Gosh, I wonder what the people are up to now? Do we finally get flying cars? I bet they're having the time of their life-"

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