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it was a normal day in the lives of the Hargreeves, well as normal as the lives of the eight kids with superpowers, a talking monkey, a robo-mom and a cold-hearted multibillionaire

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it was a normal day in the lives of the Hargreeves, well as normal as the lives of the eight kids with superpowers, a talking monkey, a robo-mom and a cold-hearted multibillionaire. normal for the Hargreeves was Luther doing hundreds of push-ups, Diego throwing knives or asking Alex to help him with his stuttering, Allison having a fake soap opera in her room- occasionally inviting Alex, Vanya and Klaus to join her- Klaus smoking something or cuddling Alex. Five reading some book on some complicated science-y stuff, Ben reading a book while Alex reads his own beside him, or trying to stop Klaus from doing something stupid. And Vanya could be found playing her violin either alone or with Alex relaxing next to her. and well, Alex is mostly with his siblings or lover, sometimes helping his mother with Diego. when he was alone, he would listen to music or go and practice his piano in secret. he preferred to know more about others than others know about him. Alex despite his cheerful attitude was a very secretive person. so it was normal that when an alarm blared in the mansion, nothing was where it should've been and no one was prepared.

Grace the robo-mom walked in the hallways of the mansion and taking care of her kids. Reginald was complaining about how they were never on time.

Allison walked up to Grace in panic, "I can't find my domino mask."

Grace smiled down at her, "It needed a little bit of Tlc after last mission."

Allison smiled and ran to get her mask, "Thanks, Mom."

she walked by Luther's room, "Ready to go?"

Luther paused his push-ups a second."Yeah." he grunted with a smile and went back to his workout.

"Where're my knives?" shouted a distressed Diego from his room and got a reply from Alex who walked out of Allison's room with something in his hand and walked into Klaus' room, "look behind your bed, krak."

and after a moment Diego shouted, "Thanks!"

As Grace walked by Vanya's room she heard her playing the violin, "Sounds beautiful, Vanya."

"Thanks, Mom."

Klaus was jumping on his bed while something on his desk was on fire. Alex was calmly sitting on a chair and reading a magazine he found in Allison's room. she walked inside and turned off the fire. "Oh! Klaus!"

Klaus didn't even stop his jumping and laughed, "Thank you, Mother."

"Boys will be boys," Grace said and Alex couldn't help but agree.

"Oh, Ben."

"It-It's stuck." Ben then ran after the others, "Guys, wait for me."

"D-Don't mmm" Grace heard from Diego's room and walked into the room. Diego was standing in front of the mirror.

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