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Klaus was starstruck. Alex had once again proven the universe wrong and with a 'fuck you', he had survived even when the chances were close to none.

"Less talk, more hug," Alex mumbled as he held his lover as close as humanly possible.

"Yeah, okay, I- I can do that," Klaus circled his arms around him and tucked his head in his lover's neck, just breathing.

"You're still talkin'," Alex complained in Klaus' hair. (cause he taller, ha!)

The seance nodded, not trusting his voice to not shake.

"God, I missed you so so much."


They were still standing in the store. Alex, unfortunately, did not have the ability of teleportation and so they were hugging in the store of a homophobic man, and if provoked, they could do so much more than hugging.

"Ben's in the car," Klaus said out of nowhere, making Alex chuckle.

"Fuck Ben," Alex flipped Ben off, not caring if the ghost could see them or not, "I'm not moving an inch."

"Good," Klaus took a deep breath and snuggled closer, "Good."

Elizabeth the dog, sniffed around where they were standing and then decided it's the perfect place and time for a bathroom break.

"Elizabeth! No!" Robert ran towards her and unknowingly, them, "Ughh, fuck you."

Alex gasped dramatically, "How dare he!"

Klaus giggled before it turned into a full-fledged laugh that had him crying.

"Fuck you," Klaus said as he punched Alex in the arm and ignored the man's 'ow', "Since when?"

"Rude. Since 59, You?"

"60, You've been here all the time?"

Alex shrugged, "Traveled for some time, sometimes for work, sometimes just for fun."

Klaus looked him up and down, "Work being what exactly?"

The drama queen sighed, "Unfortunately, I was unable to pursue my dream of becoming a stripper, so instead I have my own clothing line, The Ouija, I'm sure you've heard of it."

Finally leaving the hug, Klaus stared at him for a second before pinching his cheeks, "Awww, aren't you the sweetest?"

Alex pouted as he started walking out of the shop, still invisible to everyone.

Before Alex could open his mouth to argue, a police cop passed by them when Klaus cursed.

"Shit, Allison!"

INVISIBLE ☂︎ Klaus HargreevesWhere stories live. Discover now