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Klaus returned ten minutes later than he promised

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Klaus returned ten minutes later than he promised. Till he came, Alex and Diego talked and were sitting in the car, Diego in the driver's seat and Alex sitting in the back. When Klaus came he sat in the back next to Alex, their legs touching.

Klaus had bought a bottle with him as well, which he was sipping and would sometimes give to Alex.

Diego looked back from the rear mirror, "You okay?"

Klaus just took another sip from the bottle, His head was leaning on Alex's shoulder with the said man having a hand on Klaus' knee.

"Wow," Diego said, "My brother Klaus is silent. Last time you were this quiet, we were twelve. Ran down the stairs wearing Grace's heels, tripped over, and broke your jaw. Alex and I had a good laugh."

Alex had a smile on his face at the memory.

Klaus was still quiet and was staring out the window. He could feel Alex's hot breath against his head as he looked down to look at Klaus.

"How long was it wired shut again?"

"Eight weeks." Klaus finally answered softly.

When Diego answered he had a small smile on his face, "Eight glorious weeks of bliss."

Alex kicked Diego's seat with his foot, hard. Making Diego jerk forward.

Diego glared at Alex from the rear mirror and Alex stuck his tongue out at him.

"Hey, just drop me off here." Klaus suddenly said gaining the attention of the other two people in the car.

Diego looked over and then parked the car outside, 'VFW, Lakeshore'.

Klaus got out the second the car stopped and Alex followed him.

"You sure you okay, man?"

Klaus didn't answer Diego and Closed the door when Alex got out.

Alex held Klaus' hand as the slightly drunk man stumbled and made his way into the building.

before opening the door, Klaus tightened his hold on Alex's hand and got a squeeze in return.

On the door was wroten, " Welcome To Veterans Of Foreign Wars".

As they entered they headed straight for the bar, Klaus let go of Alex's hand so he could take off his jacket and when he looked, he saw Alex had also taken off his jacket.

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