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Happy 1sth anniversary! I can't believe that it has been one year since I first published this book

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Happy 1sth anniversary!
I can't believe that it has been one year since I first published this book. We had a rough start and it was hard but with all the support that you showed, I was able to continue.

I made so many friends along the way and it got me out of my bubble. I made friends from all around the globe and I'm so glad to have them.

This also inspired me to write more and maybe those books won't get as much recognization as this one but they still make me improve and get me out of my comfort zone for another new journey.

In all, I wanted to thank those who have been here from the start or just joined us, I wanted to thank you for your support and encouraging words, The votes, and comments that gave me inspiration and motivation.

This very long chapter is for you.

like seriously this is episode 9 and a bit of episode 10.

the first time that I've written an episode in one chapter.


The ride home was wild.

Between everyone panicking over Allison and Allison bleeding to death the situation was critical.

Five made a hard stop at the entrance of the academy and everyone got out. Luther was carrying Allison bridal style, "I don't think she's breathing."

"If we don't get her upstairs she's gonna die!" Klaus said.

"Stop being so negative!" Alex shouted at them both.

When they got to the medical room, Luther laid Allison down and Grace immediately got to work.

"She's suffered a severe laceration to her larynx. One of you will need to give blood."

"I will." Said every Academy member in the room.

"I'm doing it," Luther said with certainty.

"I'm afraid that's not possible dear boy," Pogo the real monkey said, "Your blood is more compatible with mine."

"Monkey theory confirmed," Alex whispered to Ben.

"Not the time, Alex." Ben glared at his brother.


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