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"This week on BuzzFeed unsolved we will be looking into the Umbrella Academy"
"Which one?"
"All of them."


The Umbrella Academy was usually a quiet place. When the only residents were Pogo and Grace. If any of the 'adults' were there, then you had to say goodbye to the peace and quiet.

This time, the peace was broken by Alex, who was running down the stairs at full speed and had his laptop loosely in his hand.

"You gotta see this!" Alex said once he reached the living room, where the rest of the 'adults' were.

Klaus, who was lying facedown on the couch, looked up, "Wha'?"

Alex grinned, and then connected the laptop to the TV.

The screen came to life and Alex played the video.

"This week on Buzzfeed unsolved we're taking a look at the strange occurrences in the Umbrella Academy."

Now all the members of the family had their eyes on the screen.

"What is this?" Five demanded as he sat his margarita on the table.

"This, my dear brother, is a conspiracy video based on...wait for it," Ben made drumroll sounds, "Us! Thank you, Ben. Now shush."

"I'm Ryan," The tiny guy said, "This is Shane," The giant nodded at the camera.

"Wait, which one of the babies are we going to talk about?" Shane asked.

Diego was left speechless, "Babies-"

"All of them, Let me start at the beginning. On October 1, 1989, 43 women around the world gave birth. That could be a normal thing but these 43 women were not pregnant even minutes before their labor."

"Okay, so 43 kids were born, out of nowhere?"


"I can already smell the Alien in your theories."


"What the fuck is a wheeze?" Luther interrupted. Allison shushed him. Thankfully.

"After their birth, Eight of these children were given to Sir Reginald Hargreeves, in exchange for money."

"He bought the kids?"

"yeah, he-uhh he did."


"Years after their adoption, a group of superheroes with powers showed up and were claimed by none other than Sir Reginald Hargreeves. Despite the media's questions regarding how is no one concerned that children are running around playing heroes, no actions were taken to confirm the health of these children."

Ben snorted, "But they should have."

"The first mystery happened over twenty years ago When Number Five disappeared."

"Wait he was called Five?"

"Yeah, the Hargreeves never had a name before Their adoptive mom gave it to them when they were older."

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