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A year.

Klaus and Alex stayed in the past for one year.

They had no idea what was happening in the future. Or how long it has past.

The apocalypse was around the corner and they had less than a week to stop it. Or that was before they were sent to Vietnam.

For all they know, everything could have happened already and there could be no future to return to.

they still had the briefcase and the intention of going back to the future.

but they didn't want to.

yes, they were in the middle of a war that lasted for nearly twenty years, and people were dying but believe it or not, it has been the most peaceful times for Alex and Klaus.

that says a lot about their childhood.

if it was up to klaus he would have stayed another seven years when the war would end and forget the future. he would live his life with Alex and have his best friend Dave and his mysterious boyfriend that they had yet to meet with him.

but knowing Alex, they had to go back. because Alex was all about family and would rather die than leave his family behind.

so Klaus knew that there would come a time where they had to leave and go back to the future.

but he didn't expect it to be so soon.

it had been eleven months since their unexpected arrival in the middle of 1968, and their service in the war.

they had bonded with Dave the most out of all the other soldiers.

yes, there were others but Dave was something else.

and after Klaus and Alex's talk about 'OMG-You're-Alive!', the couple had talked a bit more and klaus was no longer mad at Alex. They had made up and Dave was the unfortunate soul that had stumbled upon them a few times.

but they don't talk about that.

their lives were pretty normal for being in the middle of a war.

Till it wasn't

they were on the battlefield, taking cover and shotting whenever they could.

INVISIBLE ☂︎ Klaus HargreevesWhere stories live. Discover now