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Alex knew that something was definitely wrong when Ben's ghost appeared next to him while he was in the kitchen looking distressed

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Alex knew that something was definitely wrong when Ben's ghost appeared next to him while he was in the kitchen looking distressed.

"what is it what's going on? where klaus? is he okay? tell me whe-"

Ben waved him off, "he's been kidnapped by those shooters. He was dancing around the hall-"

"Why the hell was he dancing when we were getting shot at?!"

"- and one of them found him." Ben finished ignoring Alex's statement.

Alex looked worried, "what should we do?"

He could think of a thing or two to do. He could go and somehow tell Diego of this, but the challenge was finding Diego. That bastard didn't even tell them where he lived!

Or he could just go to where they were keeping Klaus, using his ghostly abilities to get the said man out of there.

Or maybe tell the police, that would work as well.

But the big problem was, they can't see him. So he ignored the ideas that were coming up in his mind. including the one with pretending to be a ghost stripper. What should he do?

"Where are they keeping him?" He asked instead, trying to come up with a good plan.

"At some motel. I don't know the name of but I'm sure to find out when I go back." Ben said, and after a pause, he added, "They're torturing him. He's enjoying some of it but still. His kinks are saving him."

Alex rolled his eyes, typical Klaus and his kinks. Not that he was complaining but timing!

"I'll do something about it, be there with him. He's probably going nuts now."

And with a nod from Ben, he was gone. but not before saying a quick "He's also kinda naked." and leaving Alex with a shocked expression.


Saying that Alex had found a great plan and that he was on his way to save the naked drug addict princess would be the biggest lie of the universe.

He hadn't only been busy with trying to track down both Diego and Klaus -Because Ben is a liar and Alex doesn't have the name of the motel- but he was also trying to find a way to save one of them with no plan and no one to help.

All the others were doing something of their own. none were available and he couldn't actually ask for their help.


"Number Five, or the other one, where are they?" Cha-Cha said while choking Klaus.

Klaus let out a strangled voice, "Don't stop I'm almost there."

"Is that a-" Hazel sounded disgusted.

"Yep," Cha-Cha said with the same level of disgust.

They released Klaus and stepped back.

Klaus moaned and then coughed and gasped."Oh! Ah, there's nothin' like a little stranglin' to get the blood flowin', am I right?"

he groaned and all of a sudden, started chuckling.

"What's so funny, asshole?" Hazel said and shoved him from behind.

"Ow!" Klaus complained, "Well, for one you spent the last ten hours beating me senseless, and you've learned absolutely nothing. I mean, nobody tells me shit. The truth is, I'm the one person in that house nobody will even notice is gone. You assholes kidnapped the wrong guy!" and then he laughed. like he manic that he was. okay, maybe he lied a little. Alex would notice that his lover was gone. Right?

Ben, who was watching the whole thing from behind Cha-Cha and Hazel, shook his head and muttered an "Idiot." under his breath.

Klaus got shoved again, stopping his laughter.

"Ow! I'm sorry, okay?"

Hazel looked at Cha-cha. "Please make him stop talking."

"Let's waterboard him," Cha-Cha suggested, not wanting to listen to the half-naked man anymore.

And that's how he was waterboard. Ben stood and watched worriedly.

After they were done, Klaus whimpered, "Ah! Oh, I needed that."

He was cut off by Hazel's voice, "Come on!"

Klaus continued between breaths, "I was so parched. Thank you." And then started laughing, "Thank you."

Never mind, Ben thought, he's fine.

"Oh! What the hell is wrong with that guy?"

"He's a freak like his brother. Everyone else in that house.Just another example of management stickin' it to the working man." Klaus heard his two kidnappers talking behind him.

"Come on, not this again. They should've warned us this was an atypical assignment."

And Klaus started thinking about his lover. How he longed to just hold Alex in his arms. To be able to hold his hand. Wake up first with him in his arms and just watch him sleep. Watch him as he goofed around with the others. He just wanted his Alex back.

He hanged his head as his two kidnappers argued over his head.

He wanted his Alex back.

And Ben watched sadly, not able to help him.



I wrote as much as I could in this short time.

Oh and some people got confused as to if it's Alex or Alec, to be honest I got confused myself. It really doesn't matter. I'll try and go with Alex from no on.

I said all I wanted to say in the 'I'm back'
So I'll just leave you here with this lovely lonely chapter.

Have fun y'all!

Have fun y'all!

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