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[Dedicated to my Canadian readers]

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[Dedicated to my Canadian readers]

Alex decided that he was done with this family. He had said that a lot in the past, like when Five got stuck in a wall and the fam had to get him out or when Allison kept rumoring her way around the house, sometimes she would rumor them for a glass of water!

But as they grow up, the weirdness doubled. Yes, they matured but they were still struggling with so much that sometimes Alex wanted to just pack his bags and leave. The only thing that stopped him was the only thing he had. His family.

Alex loved them so much he would do anything for them, yes that includes pranking anyone they saw fit with his ability, but sometimes he just wanted them to shut the fuck up and solve their problems like grown-ups instead of the planktons that they are.

All that leads Alex to where he is now. Walking with a ghost and a walking, talking ouija board who was his lover, looking for a monkey-man. See why he faked his death?

"You can do this Klaus. Luther needs you." Ben, the ghost we just talked about, said to his brother who was not dressed for the chilly night that it was.

Alex scoffed, "Of course he can do this. And first, Monkey-man can take care of himself for an hour or two. Second, he's an adult who lived on the moon alone for like 4 years. I'm sure he's responsible enough to go to a club alone."

"How do you know he's in a club or something?" Klaus asked as he walked beside the two.

Alex rolled his eyes, "Well, I don't know. Maybe the fact that he was talking about becoming like you and that includes drugs and alcohol. and where else to find those but a club?"

Ben whistled, "Wow you've gotten smart."

"No, you're just getting stupider."

Rest of the walk was filled with either bickering-

"I swear to god Klaus if you say it one more time-"

"Tony Stark is dead for good."

"Goddamit! come back here you pathetic scum!"

Or with Ben's wise words-

"Remind me why we're going after Luther again?"

"Cause he would have done the same for you two!"


But finally, after pointless walking and fighting, they heard giggling and that meant club. Don't ask how they just knew.

"Ah fuck it," Alex said and entered the club. He was immediately hit with such loud noise that he was sure he was gonna walk out of there deaf. Klaus had grabbed his hand so they wouldn't get separated by the crowd. Ben just walked through them.

INVISIBLE ☂︎ Klaus HargreevesWhere stories live. Discover now