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Klaus and Alex searched everywhere last night and they found no sign of Luther

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Klaus and Alex searched everywhere last night and they found no sign of Luther. Alex even found a megaphone and shouted "Here, Monkey, monkey. monkey. I've got bananas!" but no monkey showed up. However, one of the locals had apparently called the cops because they were 'disturbing their peace'! what bullshit. So after avoiding the cops and running back to the academy, they collapsed on Klaus' bed.

"I hate him," Alex said sleepily and turned his back to Klaus so he could spoon him. 

"We all do Lex, go to sleep," Klaus said while he buried his head in Alex's shoulder.

And they had a semi-peaceful night.

The next morning, Klaus woke up with a headache. Luther could not be any louder and his room was down the hall from his, so they heard everything going on in Luther's room.

Klaus tried to sit on the bed when he found a heavy weight on his chest and when he looked down he was met with black hair and some drool on him.

He smiled to himself and then ran his fingers through the hair until Alex started to stir in his sleep.

"I don't like chimichangas..." and he talked in his sleep.

As Klaus continued to play with Alex's hair, he started to wake up until he was fully awake on Klaus' chest.

"'morning," Alex mumbled.

"Morning, Lex."

"Man I had the weirdest dream ever, It was Christmas and the Doctor was here trying yo feed me chimichangas! I've never been so scared in my life," He shuddered.

Klaus smiled, "Yeah you talk in your sleep," He then looked at his drool covered chest, "And you droll in your sleep."

Alex picked up his head and stuck out his tongue at Klaus and then he got off him, stretched and yawned.

"Let's go annoy Luther," Klaus grinned and they got up.

Minutes later after they had refreshed, they were standing outside Luther's door and Klaus had found a bell somewhere in his room.

Klaus ringed the bell, "Wakey, wakey!" he singsonged.

Alex continued, "Eggs and bakey!"

Luther stumbled out of his room with only a sheet to cover himself.

"Oh there's the man," Klaus stopped ringing the bell.

"Ew gross dude, cover yourself. There are children present," Alex tried to cover Klaus' eyes cause he's the baby.

Klaus batted Alex's hand away, "Someone pulled a disappearing act last night. What mischief did you get into?"

"What? I didn't."

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