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The Hargreeves manor had been empty for a long time

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The Hargreeves manor had been empty for a long time. All the Hargreeves had moved out and had their own life by now. Only Pogo and Grace lived in the house and sometimes Klaus if he had no place to go. But it all changed when the death of Sir Reginald Hargreeves was announced and therefore, making the Hargreeves siblings come back to their childhood house.


KLAUS HARGREEVES made his way to his dad's office. Looking around making sure nobody was around. He could hear the voices of Allison and Vanya talking down the hall. He tiptoed into the office and peaked his head inside and looked around.

"You do know no ones here, right?" Said a voice from inside the office making him jump. He looked and saw his brother, Ben sitting in his dad's chair and looking at him with amusement. He opened his mouth to make a comment when he heard a laugh from behind him making him jump again not expecting the person to be behind him. The man behind him laughed even harder. Klaus frowned but then smiled not having heard that laugh in a while.

"Are you two trying to kill me? Don't answer that." Klaus said and made his way to his dad's desk and starts opening the drawers looking for anything valuable. He took a quick look at Alex and then looked back to his dad's stuff. Alex sighed and looked sadly at Klaus and then Ben. "it's good to see you again Klaus." Alex said and started walking around the office looking at his dad's stuff. "where were you?" Klaus asked his other dead brother. Alex shrugged and looked at Ben, "you know, ghostly stuff. spooking people, possessing stuff, the ghostly business." Alex said and then looked proud. Ben gave his brother a disappointing glance.

"I knew I should have bought more drugs, you kept disappearing." Klaus stood and opened his arms with a large smile on his face. "I'm back on drugs and your here, yay!" and then goes under the desk. Alex opened his mouth to say something when he noticed someone entering the room. His sister, Allison Hargreeves , a famous movie star walked in.

"Klaus?" Allison asked making Klaus jump for the third time in the last 15 minutes. Ben and Alex shared an amused look. Klaus came out from under the desk. "what are you doing in here?"

"Oh! Allison! Wow, is that you? Hey, come here." Klaus hugged Allison. "long time."
Allison smiles. "too long."

Klaus pulled back. "Hey, I was hoping to see you, actually, because I wanted to get your autograph. Add it to my collection! And you have to signs one for Alex or he'll kill me In my sleep." he said jokingly.

Alex looked unimpressed. "if you don't shut up, I'll kill you right now." Klaus looked at him. "whatever."

Allison looked at where he looked. Missing her brothers.

"just out of rehab?" she asked looking closely at Klaus. Knowing that he only saw Alex when he was high. One of the reasons that Klaus was constantly high. No matter how many times Alex told Kalus that he's real and not a hallucinate.

Klaus looked offended. "no no no no, I'm done with all that. I just came down here to prove to myself that the old man was really gone." he looked sad for a moment but then he cheered up. "And he is! He's dead. Yeah! You know how I know? Because if he were alive, not one of us would be allowed to set foot in this room."

Allison and the ghosts chuckled. Klaus sits in his dad's chair. "He was always in here, our whole childhood, plotting his next torment, right?" Alex laughed, Klaus looked at him and smiled. "Remember how he used to look at us? That scowl? Thank Christ he's not our real father so we couldn't inherit those cold, dead eyes!" he opens his eyes with his hands to make a point. "idiot." Alex said and Klaus gave him a cheesy smile.
Klaus sits straight and started to mock his dad. "Number Three!"

"get out of his chair." they heard a voice and turned to see Number One aka Luther entering the room. Klaus stopped looking at Alex who was teasing Ben about anime.
"Oh, wow, Luther! Wow, you really, uh You really filled out over the years, huh?" Klaus said awkwardly. Luther walked toward the table. "Klaus-"

"Save the lecture. I was already leaving." he stood to leave the room. "You guys can talk amongst yourselves." Luther chuckled softly as he stopped Klaus. "drop it." Ben looked at Alex. "busted." Alex shook his head, "like always."

"Ex-squeeze me?" Klaus pretended to be confused. "you know that's not gonna work." Alex told him. "Do it, now " Luther demanded. Klaus sighed and gave up. "All right, All right." he started to empty his pockets and lots of his father's stuff all fell out. "where did he fit all of these?" Alex asked Ben. He shrugged, " bigger on the inside?". Alex looked proudly at Ben. "I've thought you well."

"It's just an advance on our inheritance! That's all it is.No need to get your little panties in a bunch." Klaus said and left the room. His brothers following him but kept their distance. "you didn't answer his question." ben told his brother quietly. Alex didn't even look at Ben. "what question?"

"where were you? He started to take even more drugs, had to stop him by bringing you up. It's been months Alex, so I ask again, where were you?"

Alex sighed and used his hand to tame his hair. A nervous habit he had. "I was checking up on the others. You know how they are, never admitting that they need help until its too late or they end up dead. You know what I'm doing Ben. I can't be there for Klaus all the time, the others need me as well." he said making sure that Klaus couldn't hear them.

Ben looked disappointed. "you know, one day you have to tell him. Tell all of them. It's been years Alex."

"I know, I know. I'll tell them. But not now. It's not the time yet."

Ben stopped making Alex stop as well. "if you don't tell him, I will." he threatened and left to follow Klaus as he walked out talking about money and drugs.

Alex looked at Klaus sadly.



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