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[I'm back bih]

"You know I could really go for some tacos right now. Allison, tacos?" Klaus stated as he munched on some Jell-O.

"Yes, tacos!" Alex said as he was laying on the ground with one of his legs up in the air.

"Should we wait?" Allison said as she pointed to where the others had gone.

After Alex had his talk with Luther, the monkey man left the building like a kicked puppy and Alex had come out with a very serious dad face.

"You know those guys, I meant it could take forever for them to bro it out." Alex nodded, agreeing with Klaus.

He stared at his leg, still up in the air. Why?

"Vanya, tacos?" Klaus asked again, he really wanted those tacos and Alex couldn't blame him.

"Is there any way that tacos are gonna cause the end of the world?" Vanya asked and looked at Alex.

Alex waved her off, "No, tacos are safe. But chimichangas might so stay away from them."

He saw Vanya's thinking face and sat up suddenly, "don't even think about it!"

"I mean there's only one way to find out right?" Klaus said as Allison picked up her bag, ready to leave and get tacos and other stuff.

Vanya grinned and stood up, only to offer a hand to Alex who took it and stood up, grinning after thanking her.

They left happily.

Ben watched them with a sad smile, "I miss you all. So much."

Sometime later, they found themselves at Odessa's, chilling and drinking and gossiping.

Like they did before leaving the academy.

"Ughh! The nerve of that man, I mean one thing goes wrong, and he's on a warpath. I mean, doesn't he know who I am?"

She looked at Klaus through the mirror as he smoked a cigarette.

"No, no no, Ray, you know exactly who I am. You just can't handle it ."

Vanya was imitating shooting some bottles with her finger gun, while Alex stood to her left, staring at the ceiling and counting the stars — don't ask, weird Alex stuff.

"Pew pew."

"Nine hundred and sixty, twenty-one." Alex nodded as he counted all twenty-one stars in the world.

"I'm protecting him."

"From what?"

"The end of the world, for one."

INVISIBLE ☂︎ Klaus HargreevesWhere stories live. Discover now