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"Vanessa, darling, send someone down to get my take out?" Vanessa's boss, Mr

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"Vanessa, darling, send someone down to get my take out?" Vanessa's boss, Mr. Hargreeves — "Told you to call me Alex, everyone does!"—shouted from his office.

"Um- Yes sir!"

"Thank you!"

Vanessa Batt, secretary, and nanny of Alex Hargreeves, was on her second month of working at Ouija. If someone had told her three months ago when she decided to find a job, she would start working for The Ouija, having a friendly boss, a variety of co-workers, and her daily dose of entertainment, she would call them crazy and ask them to leave her alone. You can't have all of that in one place.

There was no way a successful man like Alex Hargreeves would be friendly. He was wealthy and must have the biggest ego she'll ever seen and why the fuck would working for a fashion designer be entertaining?

But now? Well, she's been here for two months and she can confirm everything that the crazy stranger would have told her is fortunately true.

The Ouija isn't like any other official workspace.

The friendliness of this place is sometimes sickening. Like that time Big Ben, their head of security, decided to make everyone his famous Pink Gliterry cupcakes because Alex had moaned earlier about needing to eat glitter and the whole Glitter FIacso that made everyone ban glitter till Alex died and had Alex pouting for an entire week.

Alex was...Unnatural.

For a boss and a guy. He knew the name of everyone in the building, which is not a small place. Poor Jenny had a heart attack when she came to deliver some files on her first day and Alex replied with "Thank you Jenny-bear," and then he took off for his weekly 'Knit & Gossip' with the elderly.

(He would corner one of his employees and give them the newest colorful monstrosity he has knitted. They all tried to act annoyed by the bright colors that clashed —he has no taste even tho he's a fashion designer— but they all wear them. Even Bettany wore her Purple Scarf)

He had his bad days. Sometimes he would come in with bags under his eyes and flinched every time there was a loud noise. He would forget to eat and so it was his Nanny's (Vanessa) duty to bring him a plate and watch him eat under careful eyes. He would bounce back to the cheery Hargreeves they all knew by the next day. If they all would give him small comforting pats or hot chocolate or maybe even famous Glitter Cupcakes, well, no one outside the Ouija needed to know.

The workplace was as unnatural and weird as it's boss.

Outside the doors of Ouija, many of the employees were struggling with racism or homophobia. Inside, was another story.

It was like magic, or maybe Alex just employed the good one, but everyone worked along with each other and they all got along.

They had their weekly take outs inside room 1 —a very big room—They had their play nights —which ended in someone always crying and Margaret a happy old lady collecting all the money— and their 'Hug and Fuck' sessions.

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