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"Sup whores," Alex said as he sat in the backseat of Diego's car

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"Sup whores," Alex said as he sat in the backseat of Diego's car. Diego was looking at Klaus with disbelief in his eyes and Klaus was looking at Alex from the rearview mirror Like he was the only thing anchoring him.

"Why is he like this?" Diego asks Alex, eyes still on his crackhead of a brother.

"Like what?" Alex pulled a cigarette out of nowhere and puts it in his mouth.

Diego turned his gaze to Alex, shaking his head as he saw the cigarette. He reached behind and took it out of Alex's mouth before his brother could light it, and throws it out the window.

"Hey!" Alex reaches forward to save the cigarette, but Diego is faster than the sleep deprivation brother.

"No! You both have to stop with the drugs and shit! What's wrong with you two?!" Diego snapped.

Klaus is the one who answers, "Because we lost someone!"

surprisingly, it was Alex who disagreed, "No we didn't"

Klaus turned his head towards his lover so fast that Alex was worried for a second, "We didn't lose them, I guess this is just trying to deal with what we saw back in Vietnam. they're still alive, both of them and that's what matters. that they had a good life and we were lucky to see them again even after all these years." Alex explains calmly.


"No buts Klaus, what is done is done. we only have one option, to move on and be grateful that they're alive."

Klaus looked at his lover like he was trying to read his mind, after some silence he looked away and then nodded, "I guess."

When they both turned to look at Diego, they saw that he wasn't paying any attention to them and instead was looking at something or someone- from the rearview mirror.

Diego turned to look at the person better, "That's our man."

Klaus looks at him from the side mirror while Alex turned to have a better view.

"Hey, I know that guy," Klaus said not moving his gaze.

"How could you possibly know that-"

"He and a really angry lady tortured me. I barely got out with my life."

"Yeah, he was really beat up when me and- you know, when we got there," Alex said.

The three continued to look at the man as he unlocked his car and sat in. when he turned the engine on and pulled away, Diego also started the car.

"We gotta get this guy."

"Hell yeah."

(^Me waiting for death to take me)

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