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 It had been some time since they were sent to the past,4 months to be exact, and everything was going smoothly for the couple

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It had been some time since they were sent to the past,4 months to be exact, and everything was going smoothly for the couple.

Well as smoothly as it could go when in the middle of a war.

In the past.

While the future was in danger.

Okay, maybe not everything was going great but eh, who cares.

All the couple cared about was that they could now hold hands and kiss -all in secret of course- and they had even made a good friend.

Which was a surprise considering their personalities.

So, it had been 4 months since they became soldiers and started to serve in Vietnam.

They had killed people and they were fine with it.

They had killed people since they were kids and they had dealt with it back then. Reginald was sure to make them feel nothing when killing.

But still after four months, they hadn't talked about what they wanted but avoided.

Alex fucking Hargreeves being alive.

And Klaus finally, finally, couldn't wait to hear what was going on.

So one night when they had gone away from the others and found a closed and isolated place, they laid down, side by side, and looked at the sky above them. They're hands brushing against the other's.

It was one of those rare moments. Ones that were filled with silence and they could finally relax. Forget the rest of the world and be together.

Klaus tangled his hand with Alex and brought it closer to him and then put his other hand on the top.

"Alex?" Klaus said softly. Not ready for this conversation but realizing that it was necessary.

"Hmm?" Alex hummed, staring at the sky and his mind seemed to be somewhere else.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Klaus' voice was so soft that he was afraid Alex hadn't heard him at all.

Alex's head snapped to look at his lover,

"Why didn't you tell me that you were alive?" He got up and untangled his hands from Alex's and got up, leaned on his elbow and looked at Alex uncertainly.

INVISIBLE ☂︎ Klaus HargreevesWhere stories live. Discover now