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[It might have been some time since I've updated and I'm putting this SUMMERY here if you guys forgot which tua fanfic this is-cause it happens to me all the time-so read this if you don't know what's going on:

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[It might have been some time since I've updated and I'm putting this SUMMERY here if you guys forgot which tua fanfic this is-cause it happens to me all the time-so read this if you don't know what's going on:

Alex is number eight and he's in love with Klaus. he pretended to be dead until he was sent to the past along with Klaus and there they met Dave and later on, Robert who is Dave's boyfriend. Dave was saved and the duo came back. when klaus and Alex went to the veterans bar they were surprised when Dave and Robert showed up, a little- read a lot- aged but still kicking ass.

okay so that was it. continue on reading]

"So, let me get this straight. You guys went back to the Vietnam war, served in it, and then he nearly died and you guys came back after a year?! Did I get it right?" Diego asked the four men sitting in front of him.

After the shocking appearance of Dave and Robert Young- yes Dave Young is sitting next to his husband Robert Young, yes it happened- the four explained their situation to a very confused Diego.

Alex thought for a second and then nodded, "yeah, sounds right."

And then took a sip from the martini he had ordered only to spit it back in the glass and make a face. God, that stuff is disgusting.

Klaus quietly laughed next to him knowing from the moment Alex had ordered his drink that this would happen.

Dave had a wrinkly hand around his beer and Robert was studying Diego with sharp eyes.

"When did this happen exactly?"

"Well," Klaus counted his fingers, "technically it was yesterday but like a year ago."

"Ha!" Alex shouted, making the others flinch at his loud and sudden action, "This means I'm a year older than you guys now, I'm the oldest! Take that you fuckers!"


Alex turned to Diego mid victory dance, "what?"

"You are not the oldest."

"Well, It certainly ain't you kiddo."

Klaus answered this time, "No he's right."

Alex turned to Klaus with betrayal, "et tu Klaus?"

"It's five, He's the oldest."

Alex opened his mouth to argue only to close it again, "dang."

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