Tattoo artist and flower shop

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"What was that look?!" Dream glared.

"Nothing, just can't believe this town was low enough to get a tattoo parlor." Techno spit back.

"Low enough, what the heck does that mean?"

"Don't act like you're all high and mighty, the only people who care about tattoos are punks who want to anger their parents."

"How dare you, it takes skill to run this place, I'm an actual artist. You just give people plants."

"Flower arrangement is an art form I'll have you know, there are a lot of flower meanings and color theory you have to consider."

"Hah, flower meanings? No one cares about those, people just want whatever looks nice."

That's how their first meeting went, a heated argument in front of their yet unopened shops, heard by many nosey people who gossiped all around town. Now, it was common knowledge that Techno and Dream were bitter rivals. That's why when Dream burst into his shop, Techno was left flabbergasted. "Do you have any orchids?" He asked, catching his breath.

"A few. Why?"

"A customer wants a tattoo of one but my phone died. Can I borrow some?"

"Orchids are pretty expensive, I can't just hand them out like popcorn."

"If I end up ruining it, I promise to pay for it, but could you get it now, I don't want to keep her waiting."

Sighing, Techno got up from the counter and went to put an orchid into a cheap vase. Handing it over, he added, "Bring it back as soon as possible."

The look on Dream's face was so relieved and joyful that it reminded Techno of the one reason he enjoyed working in customer service. "Thank you so much, I will."

Later, Dream was back, holding the vase like it was a newborn baby. "I tried my best to keep it safe, but you're the expert, I'll pay if I have to."

"Jeez, it's not that delicate, as long as you didn't knock it over it'll be fine."

Dream laughed a quiet, sweet laugh at his own stupidity, a sound that made Techno smile in fondness. "Thank you again so much, you don't know how much it meant to me."

"No problem."

It was a month before they talked again, and once again, Dream came into the flower shop. "Oh, hey. Need to borrow something again?"

"No, I'm here to buy my mom flowers for her birthday." He said, looking around. "Do you do custom bouquets?"

"Of course we do, what do you want on it?"

"Well her favorite flower is the tiger lily, but other than that, I don't know. Could I do something with cool flower meanings?"

Techno smirked. "So you admit that flower symbolism is important."

Glancing away, Dream hesitantly replied. "Maybe, I mean if it will earn me a few brownie points."

Victorious, Techno chuckled. "Well what to you want it to mean."

They talked about Dream's mom for a while, trying to determine which flowers represented her that also looked good together. Dream even reminded him they needed a lighter flower for contrast. "I'm an artist too!" He had protested, a slight endearing pout on his face.

It was a normal day, a bit hot outside, but both shopkeepers were keeping to their businesses. From his spot behind the counter Techno could hear his bell ring. "Welcome, do you need help finding anything?" He asked in his most pleasant tone.

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