Maid dream

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{Request from @black_soulFlames. Warning, I don't do all requests, so be wary if you ask for things.}

There wasn't an official dress code for the palace servants, so when Dream showed up to work one day in something different along side his mask, no one could stop him. A few brave souls asked why, but the answers he gave were always subpar and dismissive. Dream wasn't ashamed of the reason, but he didn't want to risk getting fired. No one could even call him improper since he was wearing the same uniform as the female maids, puffed sleeves and a ruffled apron with a knee length skirt.

After his first few tasks, he picked up a tray from the kitchen and brought it to the bedroom at the far end of the west wing. Brushing his skirt and taking a deep breath, he entered. Sitting on the bed was the king, Technoblade, in the final stages of getting dressed. Expertly, Dream slid around the room, gracefully setting down the tray and turning to accomplish other tasks. He made sure to move fluidly in such a way that would let his skirt flutter out, both emphasizing the garment and lifting it slightly to show off the slightest hint of thigh. It had the intended effect, evident by the slight crack in Techno's voice as he spoke familiar words. "Dream, would you help me with my buttons?"

With a slight nod, Dream responded kindly. "Of course." Taking off his mask to 'see better,' he approached the monarch. Usually, he would lean forward as he fastened the shirt, but in his quest to be more feminine, he gently kneeled in front of him. While this prevented their faces from being within a breath's distance as usual, this time Techno was the one to see alluring upturned eyes as Dream finished buttoning the shirt and looked up at him, a fond smile on his face.

It seemed as if Techno forgot the next part of their routine, because he only stared at him back. Then he mumbled, "You got a new outfit?"

"I can change back if you wish."

"No." Techno muttered, reaching to brush the part of Dream's hair that had grown past his ear. "Wear what you want." There was another beat as Techno stroked the tuft of hair. "You're dismissed."

Trying his best to be calm and graceful, Dream put his mask on and finished his tasks around the room before exiting. As the door shut, the doors to his heart opened, letting color rush to his face, the tickle of his hair and the brush of warmth still present on his skin. The look Techno had was dreamy and soft, and Dream had been hypnotized.

There were many more jobs and things for him to do, which he did with a giddy smile he was glad his mask could cover. An hour later he collected the tray from Techno's room. He wasn't there, of course, he had duties and meetings of his own, but on the tray was a small note, the existence of which would only ever be known to the two. Today the note was a four letter word, "cute." They were always that short, rarely more than two words, but they showed a side of Techno he had never seen in person. Dream blushed slightly as he imagined a time when Techno would respond like that while they were looking at each other. The note was pocketed and the tray was brought to be washed.

Lunchtime and Dream brought Techno his food as he always did, it had been a very long time since he had eaten lunch in the dining room. With little plan this time, he entered, automatically reaching over Techno's shoulder to put the tray down on the table beside him, faces brushing close. "Could you stay for a bit?" Techno asked.

Smiling at the rare opportunity, Dream nodded, standing a few feet behind him. "Let me know when you need something."

After a minute of not touching his food, Techno gestured Dream forward, which he followed, then started looking closely at the outfit. Dream could see the slightly crinkled brow over beautiful maroon eyes as he looked it over, before reaching out to fiddle with the hem of the apron, unintentionally tugging Dream towards him. "What are the ruffles even for?" The tone of voice suggested that Techno wasn't asking him, just the world, but Dream answered anyway.

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