Prom with a twist

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Senior year had been awful. Looking back, Techno only remembered being mocked and bullied. His grades had plummeted, he had made embarrassing mistakes, none of his teachers even bothered to help him. It had all started the first week. He had never been popular, but most people ignored him, until he got locked in the computer room. When the school jerks found him, all they saw was an awkward, reclusive, pimple ridden nerd, and he became a laughing stock. There was only one good thing about senior year, his friends.

Wilbur and Phil had just graduated, so he was alone at first. But then, he met Skeppy. Skeppy had sympathized with him and Techno was soon introduced to all of his friends. The adorable Bad, the thorny A6d, the lovable George, the cool Sapnap, the chaotic Tommy, the friendly Zelkam, and the energetic Dream. Finally Techno had people to eat lunch with again, to be in a club with, George and A6d were in his math class, Bad and A6d were in his History, and Dream was in his PE class. It was nice to know he wasn't alone, even with the mocking. And with his new friends, he was able to bring humor to his situation, make jokes about how ridiculous it all was. And now, it was finally almost over.

They were hanging out in the room they had for computer club as usual, some people programming, some playing flash games, just like any other day. "Did you hear they announced the theme for prom?" Bad asked.

Skeppy perked up. "Yeah, I'm excited! Masquerade's a bit basic, but it's so much better than last year's stupid jungle theme."

"Haha right?" Bad responded.

"You guys actually want to go to prom? That sounds a bit like torture to me." Techno piped in.

"I went last year and it was actually pretty fun, they had snacks and a karaoke room." George said.

"I'm pretty sure they blow the whole budget for the school year on Prom." Zelk added, rolling his eyes.

"Stop it guys, you're making me jealous!" Tommy shouted.

"Haha, too bad it's a junior/senior prom at this school." Sapnap laughed, picking on the freshman.

"Well Tubbo and I are planning on having a super fun movie night that day."

"Ooh, I'm so jealous." Dream quipped.

"You're planning on going to prom?" George asked. "You didn't last year."

"Well if the alternative is having a movie night with Tommy and Tubbo." He joked.

"Isn't the whole point of prom to have a date?" Techno mentioned.

"Of course not." Bad exclaimed. "There's nothing bad about going with your friends, why would there be?"

"No, no, it is pretty lame, I get what you're saying." Skeppy thought for a little while, all eyes on him. "I got it, why don't we just go with each other?"

"One, there's an odd number of us, two, we're all guys." A6d countered.

"Well Tommy doesn't count, and have you seen the drama club, the school doesn't care." Skeppy said.

"Hey!" Tommy was ignored.

"I can whip up a program really quick." George offered.

Soon, everyone was gathered around his computer. "So the pairings are, Me and Sapnap, Skeppy and Bad, and wait, this is just the order of the names, I think something's wrong."

After a bit of tweaking, the real pairs were announced. George had shooed everyone away for a more dramatic reveal. "First up, is Bad," and after a moment for emphasis, "and Sapnap!"

"Yay!" Bad said.

"Nice." Sapnap added.

George continued, "Then we have A6d," A6d eyed around. "And Zelk!"

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