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Techno wasn't living a very good life. He was trapped in a room, rarely able to leave, and any books or movies he wanted to watch had to be throughly checked for violent content. He didn't care if it was for safety, these SCP guys, or whatever they called themselves, were just keeping him prisoner. Every day he grew more and more bored until something interesting suddenly happened. A guard had entered his room and requested him to follow, not forgetting to put on handcuffs, before leaving him in an airlock in another part of the building. Techno threw the unlocked handcuffs on the floor and braced in anticipation of what would be beyond the door. He had met other SCPs before, but they were always fatally dangerous ones for the scientists to test his regenerative abilities. Because of that, he was not excited.

The door opened and all he saw was green, bright, lime green that invaded his vision and hurt his eyes, giving him a searing headache. As he continued to look at it, the green seemed to break his mind, he couldn't tell if it was really there or not, or what shape it was. Then, his abnormal body took over and started to fix things. He could feel as his body learned how to deal with the green, the headache easing in the process. It wasn't long before Techno could determine that the green was human shaped and looking over at him. Then he saw the blob. From what it seemed like, he could only see the large, white, drooping blob from certain angles. The two, people, things, whatever they were, phased together as one, moving and even existing in the same ways. What confused him more was the eyes, large black eyes that at one time seemed a part of the blob, and at other times seemed to be on the arms or chest of the humanoid. There was also a prominent smile that was a foot or two long, never changing even as their body language betrayed a few emotions.

In a dark alley way or an ominous forest, this creature would be terrifying, but in this sterile white room with light flooding around them and a cozy bed in the corner, he seemed harmless. "Uh, hello." Techno greeted.

"Hi." The figure still wore a shocked look, but responded kindly nonetheless, Techno noticing how the mouth on the blob didn't seem to move. "Um, I think if you look at me too long you'll go blind. Just letting you know."

"Nah, I'm pretty much invincible, don't worry about it." Shrugged off Techno as he started to relax around the stranger. "What's your name by the way?"

"It's Dream, nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too, I'm Techno."

With no instructions from the scientists or any other options, the two chatted. Techno told Dream about his strength, immortality, and fits of rage, none of which seemed to relate to his pig-like features. In return, Dream told Techno about how, aside from his surreal appearance, he also had heightened speed and jumping ability. A little too soon, a scientist announced for Techno to back and the two said goodbye.

When he left, Techno was immediately barraged with questions; could he see the SCP, was there any damage to his eyes, how did it feel to look at him. Techno answered, not entirely sure why he was complying, getting slightly more annoyed each minute. Once they were done, he was left back to his boring life.

However, he kept remembering Dream, how eager he seemed for human interaction, how apparently no one else could properly see him, how they were sort of the same, trapped in this facility. Time passed, and luckily he was brought back to Dream's room for tests. This time, he entered the room with a smile, though his eyes were once again assaulted by violent green. It took the same amount of time to adjust, Dream clearly concerned for his well being in the process.

There were instructions for the tests over the intercom, leaving less room for chatter, but they managed.

"What'd they catch you for?" Dream asked as Techno poked around different parts of his body as per instruction.

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