Bathroom make outs

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Techno's calloused hands were around his waist, rough but comfortable as he held him. His lips were similar, chapped yet warm and familiar against Dream's own. It'd been a month or so since a long series of strange coincidences ended with their first kiss and now, well they weren't dating per say, they'd never gone out to dinner together or anything traditional like that, but they clearly had some sort of romantic longing given how often they locked lips.

The best part was that whatever their relationship was, it was a total secret. No one even suspected that the two famous rivals were anything more, and that idea was exhilarating. There was a special, almost sick thrill in the threat of being discovered that made Dream's heart race more than any manhunt. Techno often mocked him for being an adrenaline junkie, but he was the one that pinched his butt in public last week, which he would've never done if he didn't feel the same way given how socially anxious he is.

That shared excitement was how they'd ended up where they were, making out in a public restroom, their mutual friends hanging out less than a dozen yards away. Dream gripped Techno's shoulders, hearing a sudden yet distinctive shout from George echo through the door. For a second they pulled away, taking the moment to gaze into each other's eyes while exchanging hot breaths. Techno looked just as exhilarated as he did, his faint smile pushing up into his warm red eyes.

Their short break ended and they simultaneously leaned back in, open mouths ready to catch the other's. Slowly, they escalated the stakes, both pushing the boundaries of how loud they could be without alerting any passerby. Techno pushed Dream against the wall, who ended up resting his arms on Techno's neck in order to get a more comfortable angle, exploring further into his mouth.

Suddenly, the bathroom door squeaked. Dream's eyes went wide and he saw Techno pull away and do the same. Faster than lighting they squeezed into one of the stalls, Techno sitting on the lid and Dream on his lap, curled uncomfortably to fit in the narrow space without his feet showing. He used his position to lock the latch.

They were both dead quiet as they heard the footsteps turn the small corner from the door to the main area. Dream exhaled in relief when a few seconds passed without the individual showing any signs of suspicion, instead opting to merely use the urinal. His face was still flushed with excitement though, his own heartbeat thundering in his ears while he held onto Techno's neck like his life depended on it.

Then Dream abruptly tensed up in shock, feeling all of his muscles contract and having to use a hand to stifle a yelp because Techno freaking bit him! The sharp neck bite would be a welcome development in any regular context, but given that there was someone close enough that they'd be able to notice a whisper, Dream whipped his head around to give him a steely look. Given that Techno was doing nothing to hide his wide, proud smile, he knew exactly what he was doing. Angry, Dream smacked him.

Techno didn't make a sound, but distorted his features to show overly dramatized pain. Continuing to lightly hit his shoulder with his fist, Dream sternly mouthed, "what were you thinking!" After he stopped his silent drama, Techno stared into his eyes with a serious, unreadable look. Then stuck out his tongue.

Dream was offended, he was horrified, nothing Techno could do would ever let him forgive him, and he needed to convey these thoughts as quietly and as quickly as possible through various gestures and facial expressions. All the while, Techno was trying his darnedest to keep his laughter from escaping and alerting the third person in the bathroom who was now in the middle of washing their hands. They left shortly after and as soon as the creak of the door went away, Dream unlocked the stall, moving to get out. Techno wouldn't let him though, tightening his grip around his waist, leaving Dream to pout and turn away.

"Oh come on, it wasn't that bad." He started peppering kisses along the exposed part of his neck.

Dream shoved him away. "Only, because I have super fast reflexes."

"That's the reason I did it! Because I knew you all about how speedy and perfect you are."

"Yeah right. You just thought it would be funny." With a quick glance at Techno's awkward half smile, he'd struck the nail on the head.

"But like it was though." It was Techno's turn to pout, looking halfway between adorable and guilty. Dream huffed out a smile while rolling his eyes. "See! You laughed!"

"No I didn't!" He chuckled in disbelief.

"Yes you totally did, and you're still laughing!" Techno exclaimed, gleeful smile on his face. Their light arguing continued as both laughed even more. Despite how contrarian he acted, Dream enjoyed these times with Techno, laughing over something dumb and just chilling. Maybe their relationship could be more than just risqué make outs after all.

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