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Dream bit his lip in pain. He'd lost all feeling in his arm, and could feel the blood seeping through his clothes. He was glad he was still alive. Stumbling forward, he found Techno, face full of bruises and arms just as cut up as his. "I found the medical kit." Techno said, wincing through the pain and pointing to it by his side.

Dream tried to use a nearby rock to support himself as he sat down, but ended up falling halfway through. "I'll get your leg." He stated, noticing the large, bleeding gash on Techno's leg. He reached over a retrieved what he knew he needed. He'd dressed wounds like this hundreds of times before, so his blurring vision didn't make it any harder than his worn out muscles already did. Techno had wordlessly started tending to Dream's head wound, his calloused hands making practiced, delicate motions to disinfect it. The chemicals stung, but it didn't stop him from making sure gauze was wrapped securely around Techno's leg.

"Let me help with that jacket." Techno said, already pulling on the ripped up garment. Dream freely accepted the help, not sure if he would've been able to take it off by himself. Techno discarded it to the side while Dream shivered as the breeze hit his bare back. Techno quickly went to work as Dream started on Techno's arm, a difficult task while it was in use, but Techno made sure to steady it as needed so Dream could probably dress it.

They kept working on each other's wounds, only the occasional comment, until all their cuts, gashes, and bruises had been patched. They relaxed against the nearby rock, neither of them caring about the frigid sensation against their naked backs. Relieved that his bleeding was stopped and his wounds would heal, he laid his head on Techno's shoulder. Techno smiled, leaning his head on Dream's. They sat there for a while, neither of them able to move, and neither of them wanting to.

Dreamnoblade one shots for funsiesWhere stories live. Discover now