Rapunzel (kinda) au + sbi stuff

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{Happy one-shot number 50! I actually have another one done but wanted to save this for the big five oh because I kinda really like it and it was so close to being done. This has been in the works for a while, over five months, and the longest by far. Hope you enjoy!}

High in his tower, Techno sat hour by hour maintaining his sword. It was a family heirloom, but that didn't really matter considering it was the only sword he was allowed to have. His mother still protested, but his father seemed proud that Techno was in touch with his roots. However, nothing could be further from the truth, family was a touchy subject for him as his main interaction with them was when they locked him in a remote tower. When he wasn't sharpening his sword he was staring out the window at the large expanse of trees surrounding him. Sometimes he could see a few squirrels when he squinted. It was thrilling.

He was doing his light exercise, constantly having to make sure he wouldn't scrape his hands or head on the walls, when the dumbwaiter suddenly started moving. It wasn't food delivery day today, at least he was pretty sure, so he immediately stopped to investigate. The dumbwaiter was empty and quickly went back down. When Techno looked out the window he saw what seemed to be a human figure hunched over the other end. The dumbwaiter came back up, this time containing a moderately sized rock. Techno took the rock and looked back outside as the figure didn't move. Frustrated, he dropped the rock out the window. It missed the figure, who automatically looked up at him.

He's pretty sure their eyes met. Pretty sure. They could barely see each other, but that's what it seemed like. Excited and nervous for his first real human interaction in years, Techno waved his hand, trying to making sure that the figure could see it. However, hopes were dashed as the figure ran away. Despair spread like a virus. Techno forgot about his work out and laid back in bed, regretting everything when the sound of the dumbwaiter moving again roused him. This time there was a piece of bark with carved writing on it.

"Hi! What are you doing here?"

The figure was back and he had an actual chance at friendship. It was challenging work to carve a piece of wood with a sword, but Techno made it happen.

"parents trapped -Techno" He had crudely written.

He and the figure he learned was called Dream chatted in this weird, shortened way for a long time until Dream unfortunately had to go. Techno missed him almost immediately. It was a disjointed conversation, but it was a genuine one, and that was something he didn't get from the regular letters his family sent. He spent that night thinking about Dream, imagining what he might look like, what he might sound like, hoping they would meet again.


Dream couldn't forget about the boy in the tower. He was always a sucker for a good mystery, there were so many questions, and he still didn't really know about the man himself. Sure he could pick up a few things from their conversation, but so much of it was unknown, and he wanted to know everything.

He barely slept that night. When he woke up, the first thing he did was buy a sturdy rope and two sticks of hardened charcoal and head off into the forest. Despite getting a little lost at first, having to try to decipher the notes of his wandering path, the tall building eventually stuck out.

"I got you some charcoal that's probably easier to use and I'm sure you can find a use for the rope." Dream wrote on a newly chopped piece of bark.

It took a while of foot tapping, but he eventually got a response in the dumbwaiter. "But I was just getting used to carving wood with a sword!" Dream laughed, glad to have actual sentences from Techno. His handwriting was neat and practiced, though a little rushed, which asked even more questions.

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