The Narrator (Part 2)

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{Now featuring the actual love interest!}

//I'd say that giving me zero real options and starving me of social contact would be a pretty hollow victory, if it was actually working.

Ah! I forgot you could do that.

//Ha, get pranked.

Anyway, I'm not doing anything, I can't change your world even if I wanted to, I'm simply a storyteller. These are merely the consequences of your actions.

//As if, I'm not the one who engaged me to the prince, I'm not the one that locked me in a magic tower, I'm not even the one who framed my situation in such a way so that I'd only get creeps!

//Not that I'm blaming George of course.

You're the one who isn't following the plot! You know the point of the story, yet you ignore the simple solution it presents! You're so stubborn that you don't even consider that maybe, maybe it wouldn't be so bad to marry your best friend. Maybe it could be good, maybe something would come from it, maybe he's in love with you!

//Oh I know that bit.

On top of that, you're so selfish that you're hurting your best friend through your refusal of action, you're hurting your country, do you even know what's happening with your family? Your brother?! There's a war going on, he could be dead! But you'd rather hole up in an unlocked cage because one little discomfort is more important than caring for everyone and everything you've ever known!

Do you know nothing of sacrifice? Of compromise? Do you have any idea what everyone else goes through? The things they give up for the people they care about?! Do you realize how much of a spoiled brat you're being right now!?!

//Shh, I think I saw someone coming.

Hey! I wasn't finished, you are not allowed to talk back to me!

//You're a storyteller, right? I think it's time to do your job.

Sigh, what could it possibly be? Prince George isn't going to be here for another week, is it really another suitor after all this time? Sure enough there's a figure with messy pink hair walking towards the tower, carrying an axe.

"Hey stranger!" Dream exclaims once the figure is close enough.

The mop of pink flicks back as the newcomer stares startled at the window. "Uh, hello?"

"My name's Dream, what's yours?"

"Wait... are you a faerie or something? I've heard they steal names like this..."

"What?! No no no no no, I'm just being friendly, I promise!" Dream barked, getting visibly irritated.

"Hmmm... I think that's also what a faerie would say."

"I'm not a faerie!" He shouted. Then a breath. "You don't have to tell me your name, I'm just wondering what you're doing so far into these woods."

"I feel like that's the kind of thing I shouldn't tell faeries..." For a second Dream was about to shout back. "But I suppose you could help me."

"Of course!"

"Well I heard rumors of something tall and magic somewhere around here."

"Like an animal?"

"No, they said it didn't move."

"You mean, me?" He snickered.

The stranger gave him a glance over. "You don't look magic."

"I'm not, this tower is. Though it's more like a curse."

"Oh... That makes sense." The stranger was disappointed, and about to turn back.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14 ⏰

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