Little Girl

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"Daddy! Are we there yet? Are we there now?" Michiko whines, staring out the window from her car seat; bouncing in anticipation. "Is that it!?"

The gates to U.A open upon him inputting his identification code, allowing for him to drive into the facility. "Yes, baby. We're here. Now what did I say about the rules?"

"I'm allowed to call you daddy, don't hang out with the pink or purple extras and Uncle Deku is a nerd." She recites as he snickers, getting smacked on the back of his head by his mother.

"Katsuki, you idiot! That's not nice, Michi. You need to not use your quirk unless supervised by Mr.Aizawa or All Might and if you can't find Daddy, go find Uncle Deku." Mitsuki instructs, glaring at her son as he pulls over; getting out the car.

"Yeah, yeah. Michi, go inside and find Deku. He said he was gonna help."


Walking into the dorms, all eyes turn towards the blonde haired girl as she glances over all of them before her eyes meet Midoriya's as his widen. "Uncle Deku!"

"Michiko! You're finally here! Wow, you've grown." He smiles, bending down to hug her; picking her up to tap her on the nose. "How's Grandma and Grandpa?"

"They're fine. Grandma is here with Daddy. He told me to get you since you offered to help." She smiles as he pales.

"I forgot to call him! Um, Ochaco! Can you watch her for a second? I have to go real quick! Michi, this is my girlfriend. She's very nice." He smiles as he hands the kid over, dashing out the door.

"Hi..." She shyly greets, holding onto the brunette's shoulders.

"Hi, little one. You're very cute." Uraraka compliments as she blushes, burying her face in her shoulder. "Aw..."

"Michi, where the fuck are you?"

"I'm here!" She shouts, hopping down from the pink cheeked girl's arm and running over to Bakugo, who picks her up with easy as she hugs him tightly. "The girl is nice."

"Hey Kacchan! Is that your little sister or something?" Kaminari shouts, causing the entirety of Class 3-A to glance over at him in confusion.

"No, you fucking extra. She's my daughter." Bakugo rolls his eyes as he places her down, ruffling her hair.

"Daddy, stop! Grandma just fix it!" She pouts up at him as the class gawks in confusion.

"She's like 4?! How is she your daughter?" Sero points out as the blonde huffs. "Who's her mother? I didn't think you'd get down and dirty, Mister Wannabe Number One Hero."

"None of your fucking business. Michi, go help Deku and the old hag. I have to speak to Principal Nezu."

"But... I wanna go with you. Grandma said I have to meet with Aizawa-sama! Can I please go with you?" She begs as he sighs, lifting her up as he runs a hand through her long hair.

"You have to stay here. I have important things to discuss with him concerning work and all that shit. You can stay here with Deku, okay? Go see your room and tell me if you want anything else to add." He instructs as she pouts, nodding slowly. "Good girl. I'll be back in about an hour."

Placing her down on the ground, he pats her head as he glares at the silent room. "If she complains, cries or whines, you're all dead."

With that, he takes a leave to the faculty building as the class silently watches the little girl tear up. "H-hey now, please don't cry Michiko! We can play games and even help set up your room, right guys?"

Majority of the class agrees as she sniffles, wiping her eyes. "But... Uncle Deku was helping..."

"Well, we consider ourselves your other aunts and uncles. So we're going to help too! Come on Shoji, maybe you can move a dresser and some of the bigger items with Ojiro. Tsu, Uraraka; toy box duty. Yaoyorozu and I will handle organizing the items as they come. Everyone else, make her feel welcomed." Iida takes over as the class cheers.

"Hi, Michiko! My name's Mina. I'm one of your dad's best friends. Over there is Denki, Eijiro and Hanta. Together we make up the Baku-Squad." She introduces as the blonde girl blinks up at her in shock.

"How is your skin pink?" She questions, tilting her head as Mina giggles; reaching out to hold the three year old. Michiko allows herself to be picked up.

"Well, my mom's quirk was Alien and my dad's quirk is Acid. So I got my looks from my mom and my quirk from my dad. Speaking of parents.... Where's your mom, Michi?" Mina explains before asking her own question as Michiko smiles sadly.

"I don't know... Daddy gets mad whenever I ask and I don't really know a lot about her, except that she doesn't matter." She pouts, biting her lip.

"Does your uncle know about her?" Kaminari asks as Michiko nods.

"He said that Daddy sometimes leaves to talk to the police about her and that I can't be there since it'd probably make me scared. But when I told him that I'm a big girl, he told me that even big girls can't know about her." She tapped Mina's shoulder, so that she could be let down. "I want to go see my room now, I know where it is. I just have to look for the metal man."

"Alright, we'll meet you there in a bit." Sero smiles and waves as Mina's serious face appears. "What now?"

"We need to have an intervention with Bakugo about parenting. Because not knowing your parent and purposefully hiding them from your child? That's just not okay." Mina shakes her head as Kirishima clears his throat.

"While it isn't necessarily manly, we shouldn't be in his business. It's his kid and what he teaches her is up to him."

"Uh, what are you guys talking about?" Midoriya appears, carrying one of the last suitcases. "We finished moving everything. Ochaco just levitated everything up to the balcony. But what is this?"

"Oh nothing. Hey, when Bakugo comes back; can you tell him to meet us in the living room and you can come to. Maybe Ura can read Michi to bed or something." Mina suggests as he raises an eyebrow and slowly nods.




I graduate in 3 days! Ah!!!!! About to work and go to college in the fall! So excited! (Is what people expect me to say... I really hated this school, glad I'm out)

~Shadow Out!🌑

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