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**Important Author's Note at the bottom! Please read!** Enjoy!

"So, did you all tell lies up there or what?" Neito questions, pointing at everyone who just blankly stares at him. The group had returned to the dorms, still dressed in their outfits as eyes turn to the blonde.

"Ironically, you were the only idiot to not say anything. You were the definition of 'emotional support' and nothing else." Katsuki rolls his eyes as Neito shrugs, wrapping an arm around his girlfriend who leans her head on his shoulder. "But that was the point of the press conference, asswipe."

"Rude. I mean I know that Ochaco and I were telling the truth. Was the whole marriage thing a joke to help the disasters over there, Midoriya?" He points over the Katsuki and Eijiro who aren't even sitting next to each other.

"Um, no? Shocchan and I are married. It's been like 2 weeks now." Izuku smiles weakly as the class throws out their congratulations. "Thanks, we're planning the wedding for about 8 months from now, so in the summer."

"Wait, so if that was true. Was the pervert truthful, too?"

"Yeah, I'm done with the girls in this class. They each have someone they care about and I'd rather be their family than hurt them anymore. 1-A is already like that, I was just disturbing the peace." Minoru grins, earning a pat to the head by Tsu who nods towards him.

"You can call me Tsu. Thanks for that, Mineta."

"You can call me Minoru, and no problem."

"So three... Iida, you had to have lied. There's no way you and my cousin aren't dating. There's some serious tension." Neito sweatdrops as Tenya tilts his head to the side.

"Tension? What tension? I was telling the truth, there's nothing going on between us. Right, Yuga?" Tenya turns to the blonde who's heavily blushing while avoiding eye contact as the ravenette's face heats up by looking at him. "Y-Yuga?"

"Um... I mean I wouldn't mind it, but he's right. We're just friends." Yuga bites his bottom lip before a hand pulls it out of his mouth via chin, angling his face to look at the engine hero. "Tenya, you can't just do that..."

"Then don't bite your lips, they'll scar." He reprimands while sighing as he moves his hand from the guy's chin as he faces Neito again. "But see, friends."

"So much tension. But that's 4 out of 5. So if those two are actually dating, why aren't they talking? Y'all get into a fight?" The blonde brushes it off as the room goes silent. "Really? You two are always so mushy together, what the hell are you fighting about?"

"Neito, maybe we shouldn't-?"

"No, actually ask it. I'd love to hear his answer because I've done nothing wrong!" Eijiro shouts, causing the blonde to flinch back as his boyfriend's eyes land on him. "So go on, tell them why we're 'fighting'."

"We aren't fighting..."

"Oh? Then why have you been avoiding me? You feel guilty for screaming at me and trying to keep the kids away from me? Thanks again for sending Michi to me, Izuku." Eijiro spits, glaring at the blonde who curls into himself; hoping to disappear into the wall. "Why aren't you saying anything? Is it cause you know what I'm saying is true? You made me seem like the bad guy, but you heard Minoru say it: 1-A is like a family. Do you not want that? You already have your little family, complete with a brother. Are you that scared of having something meaningful that you'd actually push me away?"

"Yes... and you know that. So why are you making this a big de-?!"

"Because it is a big deal! I want to be yours, Katsuki. But you won't let me. I can't protect you if you won't let me. I can't love you, if you won't let me. Why'd you even agreed to be my boyfriend if you don't want that with me? Are... are you using me?" Eijiro runs a hand through his hair before pulling on it. "I cried myself to sleep yesterday because I thought you hated me! You avoid me, you don't respond to my messages and you've completely shut me out. How can I help you if you won't let me? Do I force my way in? No, because then I'd be just like her."

"Don't bring her up..."

"Why not? She's the reason you're like this! I love you so much that it physically hurts, how can I prove to you that I'm not going to hurt you? How am I going to stop letting you hurt me? Can't you see that I'm in pain?" Tears stream down the blonde's cheeks as he watches his lover breakdown in front of him, the redhead kneeling on the ground in emotional distress. "Answer me, Katsuki. Can't you see? Why won't you see?"

"I can see... I'm... I'm sorry. I... I love you, more than you'll e-ever know... more than I can even fucking say. I... I just don't know what you want me to do... I don't know what to do. I don't have answers..." Katsuki wipes his eyes as his daughter rushes over to him, hugging his leg as he chuckles weakly; running a hand through her hair as she looks up at him, scared. "I'm fine, Michi... I don't deserve your comfort, right now. There's someone who needs it more."

The blonde girl looks over to the redhead before looking back at her father who nods, gesturing she should go over. Taking a step, she reaches out to tap his shoulder as Eijiro snaps his head up to see the girl with her arms out. "P... papa, are you otay?"

"P-papa? Me?" The redhead blinks as tears well up his eyes before bubbling over. Grabbing her arms, he wraps his around her waist as he sobs into her hair while loudly sniffling.

"Ew, you're gonna get snot in my 'air!" She squeals as Eijiro peppers kisses on her little cheeks. "Papa! Gross!"

"She started calling you that once I separated you two... I'm sorry for doing that, can we be ok?" Katsuki bites his lip as Eijiro stops his kisses, standing up as he slowly walks over to the blonde who watches his every move. A hand gets gently placed on his cheek as he leans into it, feeling the chub getting caressed gently as Eijiro's eyes scans his; seeing nothing but genuine remorse.

"We'll be ok... I just... really wished you saw me as your family, too."

"You're not my family... you're my lover. It'd be pretty weird if I thought of you as my brother." Katsuki chuckles as Izuku rolls his eyes from the sideline. "Shut up, Izu. I can see you."

A scoff was heard as the greenette walks over to his husband who chuckles. Eijiro giggles, placing a gentle kiss on his boyfriend's lips as a loud gasp fills the room with annoyed huffs. "See, I told you they were lying. We didn't need to rush over or anything."

"Wait, so if they were lying... Midoriya Izuku, get your ass over here."

"Yes, auntie?" Izuku sweatdrops as he walks over to the angered blonde whose arms are crossed as she stands next to a timid greenette woman who looks around, eyes landing on Shoto who looks back at her.

"Are you married and didn't tell us? Or was that a huge lie? Also, brat. Did you actually fuck in a restaurant?" Mitsuki questions, glaring at her son who pulled away from his kiss to roll his eyes.

"Hey, mom. We're doing great, thanks for asking."

"Yeah, I'm technically married on paper. I promise I was going to tell you both soon, it just kind of slipped my mind."

"What was so important that you couldn't tell me that my baby was married?!" Inko cries, wiping her eyes as Izuku looks over to the blonde who shrugs.

"Uh, some emotional and business things. It's all over now though, but how about we go out for dinner! My treat?"

"Ooh, am I invited? I'm technically family, is this a family thing?" Yuga questions, picking up one of his kids.

"Uh, I mean I was going to actually ask if you could watch the kids. It's actually just going to be auntie, mom, me and Kacchan this time... sorry!" Izuku claps his hands as he apologizes as the blonde huffs.

"Fine, Tenya, would you please assist me?"

"Of course. We need to talk anyways."



I hated them being mad at each other, so it's resolved.... Partially. Maybe. Who knows?

I have some announcements:
I have other books for you to enjoy.

If you like KiriBaku, we have a BakuKiri book called Grin that's on-going. If you like BakuDeku, we have a DekuBaku book called Will of the Heart that's going to be ending soon. And we have a few other stories for you to check out on my page.

I will also be writing a few more BakuDeku books and a FemBaku x Kiri story soon, both of which will be spicy.

Hope you enjoyed!
~Shadow Out!🌑

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