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"Big Brother! Big Brother! Why did we go to Japan again?" A small child questions, confused as a second older one nods their head. "Are we here forever?"

"You know that we don't have the funds to move here, Lala. We're just visiting some friends." Rody explains, walking up to the sensor as a screen shows the three standing there. Waving at the camera, the brunette smiles brightly. "Hello! We're here to visit Midoriya Izuku! I'm Rody Soul and these are my little siblings, Lala and Roro."

Scanning their bodies, the system determines their level of danger as nonexistent before opening the heavy duty doors. Leading his siblings in, they calmly enter the campus seeing all sorts of students and faculty members scattered all over as well as passing pro-heroes and cops walking criminals out the door. "What the...?"

"Rody! You're here!" A voice shouts, catching the brunette's attention as he smiles uneasily, arms extended as he confidently strolls over; Pino chirping excitedly on his shoulder as well. The two hug before the brunette pulls back and glances around. "Welcome to U.A!"

"Thanks man, but I'm a little confused. What's going on?" Rody questions as he points towards the door over his shoulder. "I just saw your pros walking some people out? What's that about?"

"Oh, those were some villains. A couple of things happened and well.... It's kind of rough-ish? I have so much to tell you!" Izuku smiles weakly, keeping his hands on the brunette's waist without paying much attention; causing for Rody to become flustered as more time passes.

"Uh, Izuchan. You're holding him. It feels like you're cheating on me." A voice interrupts their reunion as the greenette squeaks, lifting his hands up as he takes a giant step back.

"Shocchan! I w-would never cheat!" Izuku blurts as a chuckle comes from nearby as another voice joins in.

"Like how you cheated on me with Bakugo?"

"I didn't cheat-! I'm done talking, let's head inside and get you guys something to drink." Izuku sighs, shooting a glare at Ochaco who smirks and waves from Neito's side.

Sitting the three newcomers down on the couch, Izuku rushes over to the fridge and grabs bottled water for them as he takes a seat on a loveseat with Shoto joining. "Ok! First things first, you guys haven't properly met since the whole Humarise battle in our freshman year of high school. This is Todoroki Shoto, my husband."

"Husband?! Since when did you get married dude? You're into men? And why wasn't I invited? We went through a life or death situation together, are we not close?" Rody pouts as he looks at the two sadly.

"W-we are! We're only legally married for the agency we're starting together, our ceremony is in a few months. I was planning on sending out invites soon so expect yours!" Izuku corrects his assumption as the brunette nods. "Anyways, um... Do you remember Bakugo Katsuki?"

"Uh blonde hair, barks like a dog, is always angry? Yeah? What about him?" Rody tilts his head like a lost puppy, wondering where this is going. "Is it bad? Do I need to send Lala and Roro out or something? C-can I send them out?"

"How old are they again? I kind of forgot with everything happening right now." Izuku blushes embarrassed as he knows that Roro's birthday just passed.

"Lala is 10 and Roro just turned 15."

"Ah, well yeah. They probably shouldn't be here for this... it's not necessarily graphic, but the words I'm going to use is not really pretty..."

Rody taps Roro's shoulder, gesturing towards the front doors. "You two can go explore the campus, okay? When you come back, we'll discuss dinner plans, yeah?"

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