Deku's Luck

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Izuku sighs, patting Katsuki's shoulder before reluctantly moving from his side. A voice clears their throat as eyes turn to face Ochaco who stands by the elevator doors with flushed cheeks. "Um... Izuku, can we talk?"

Immature classmates of theirs ooh as the greenette nods, not before nodding at Katsuki who raises an eyebrow at the gesture; not understanding why or even what it was for.

Ochaco steps back on the elevator with her boyfriend in tow, the doors closing as she glances at the greenette who shifts awkwardly. "So... I overheard most of the conversation that took place downstairs. But, I'd like to know your part."

"My part? What do you mean...?" He questions as the girl sighs before taking his hand, causing him to look at her while she returns a small smile.

"What happened to you and Bakugo?" She whispers as Izuku runs a hand through his hair.

"Nothing much. We were childhood friends and because I was a late bloomer, he started bullying me. Nothing too drastic and we were still kind of friends. Then Aimi made an assumption and threatened me, giving me a letter telling me of her grand plan to have kids with him. I was scared, so I told him. He didn't believe a word I said and chose to stay loyal to her. He told me to leave him alone and so I did... then his mother called me and asked me to check in on him. I did and he apologized automatically for all that he did. He didn't tell me what happened, never did as I got the phone call from Mitsuki asking for my mom to report a case of assault." Izuku explains as she nods, eyes downcast. "Why?"

"Izu... did you... ever...?" She starts off, trailing off as his eyes widen; watching as she drops her hand from his grasp. "... Do you love me?"

Izuku pauses, opening and closing his mouth several times before going silent. "I..."

"It's okay. We've been together for 4 years and we haven't gotten intimate at all. Whenever I suggest moving forward, you agree and last minute something ruins the moment. So I just had to ask..." Ochaco bites her lips as Izuku thins his lips out into a straight line.

"I can't say I don't love you... you're sweet, kind and you've been nothing but supportive. But I don't know what love is..." Izuku smiles weakly, gaining one from her in return as she shakes her head.

"It's ok. Love can be explained as a feeling of extreme desire to surround yourself with a specific person, wanting to share a certain level of intimacy that isn't experienced with others." She stares off a bit as she clenches the front of her shirt. "I... I feel this way whenever I'm with Tenya, if I'm being honest."

"You... what?" He questions as she bites the inside of her cheek, face reddening. "How... how long?"

"Fairly recent. Just the last couple of months. We've been catching up on missions and doing small jobs together, taking time getting to know each other better. It wasn't anything serious, but I want to progress further with him." She stares at Izuku who looks completely lost. "So... what I'm trying to say is... I'm sorry, Izuku. I do love you, but you're my best friend. I.. I don't think I can do this anymore."

"I... I understand. Really. I want you to be happy and if Iida..." Izuku breathes deeply before wobbling a smile. "If Iida makes you happy, I'm okay with that. 100%."

"Thank you, Deku." She smiles, kissing him on the cheek as she opens the elevator back up and steps off with him trailing behind her slowly.

Bouncing over to Iida, she happily engages in conversation as the man raises an eyebrow in Izuku's direction who gives them a thumbs up and smile. Iida nods, placing a hand on her lower back and leads her away to the kitchen to continue their conversation.

"You look like you're going to cry." A stoic voice interrupts his false smile as the greenette looks up at the dual haired man who stares at him in awe.

"I-I'm fine." Izuku stutters, silently cursing at his wavering voice. "It's nothing to worry about Shocchan."

"Do you want to talk about it?" He pushes as Izuku shakily takes a breath, wiping the few tears that escape as the heterochromatic male tilts his head in confusion.

"What's there to talk about? It's nothing, I'm okay. I promise, I'm okay." He whispers out as Katsuki rolls his eyes, getting up from his seat on the couch; slapping the back of Izuku's neck.

"Oi, slinky." Katsuki mumbles as Izuku's eyes widen before a small smile graces his lips. "Well?"

"Um sure. Just us? Or is Michi coming too?" Izuku questions as he looks at the girl playing with Kirishima and Mina.

"Yo, Shitty Hair. Take over my daughter for the night, will you? I don't trust Pinky or Plugs near her." Katsuki shrugs as the redhead smiles and gives a thumbs up. "Covered. Just us. Now come."

"Um, what is a slinky?" Shoto questions, watching as the two walk towards the stairs.

"Oh that's just a code for vent and cuddle. We do this a lot, believe it or not. It's like a form of training." Izuku explains as Katsuki rolls his eyes. "Well, at least that's what I told Kacchan when I first came up with it."

"It's a fucking sleepover. Now come on before I change my mind." Katsuki grumbles, walking towards the elevators as Izuku follows along.


"So..." Izuku mumbles as he stares at the ceiling, Katsuki laying on his side while his head his tucked under the greenette's chin. "How do you feel?"

"Fucking fantastic." The blonde huffs as Izuku giggles, glancing down at the blonde who stares up at him. "You were going to fucking cry. What did Round Face do to you?"

"Kacchan, really. It's fine. We don't need to talk about me right now." Izuku sighs as the blonde sits up, untangling himself from his longtime friend; staring at him in annoyance. "...She asked me if I love her, I couldn't answer and she told me that she was in love with Iida... she dumped me."

"Yeesh, that's tough. But it's probably for the best, Izu." Katsuki runs a hand through his hair as the greenette sits up as well to stare at the blonde. "There's going to be plenty of people that will fuck up your shit. You can't always have a plan or even go into things without one. There's a time and place for everything, and it was just time for her to move on."

"But Kacchan... I..." Izuku trails off as the blonde shakes his head, crossing his arms as he looks away from the younger male.

"Stop trying to justify it. How you feel is valid, it was your first fucking relationship. But let's face it: it wasn't going to last long if you weren't willing to progress. I bet you're still a fucking virgin and what? You've been with her for 4 years. She has needs and you never once met them." Katsuki points out as Izuku flushes red. "She was bound to leave you. But I can tell that fucking IcyHot has something for you."

"Shoto..? No, he's just..." Izuku ponders as Katsuki raises an eyebrow. "Huh."

"Huh? He fucking flirts with you and you don't notice? You're either fucking oblivious or ignorant. He's in love with your ass and has been for the last 3 years." Katsuki hisses as the greenette flinches from the anger in the blonde's voice. "Question is: do you fucking feel the same way?"

"But if he really does like me in that way, wouldn't the same apply with you and Kiri?" Izuku questions as the blonde freezes before shooting a him a harsh glare. "Think about it! Kiri follows you around like a puppy, always makes sure you're well and was the first person to be considered your friend on campus. Don't tell me nothing's there."

"I don't need a partner. You can't function without one. You're too dependent on physical contact. Plus I have Michiko to take care of." Katsuki rolls his eyes, shifting down to lay facing away from the greenette.

"I thought we were gonna cuddle and gossip, Kacchan! Why aren't you facing me?" Izuku pouts teasingly as the blonde's ears turn red in annoyance.

"Shut the fuck up and sleep already, you stupid bitch."



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