Potential Problems

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"Uh Shocchan? Why did you w-want to talk to me?" The greenette smiled warily as he looked around the Japanese styled bedroom.

"I just wanted to check in on you, that's all." The dual haired man shrugs stoically as he sips his tea, watching the man's every move. "So how are you?"

"I'm doing well, I guess. Little Katsuma likes me, so I guess I'm one of his caregivers. Kacchan keeps passing him to me for any inconvenience that he might have and it's kind of funny." Izuku reminisces with a light blush as Shoto hums.

"Are you over Ochaco?" He questions out of the blue, watching as the man across from him chokes on air.

"Uh what?" Izuku questions, hitting his chest a bit to get the air out. "W-why do you ask?"

"Just making sure. So are you?" Shoto questions, eyes seeming to glare at the greenette who bites his lip a bit.  "You shouldn't bite your lips so roughly."

Stopping immediately, the greenette sighs. "I... I think I'm over her, yes. I haven't really thought about how I feel about the whole situation. But I do know that what she did was not fair to me and I don't want that for a relationship." He explains to the best of his abilities.

"Good. So would you say that you're prepared to go out with me?" The dual haired man questions, sitting up; pulling out a box from his pocket, sliding it over to the greenette.

Izuku looks at the box, tilting his head in confusion. Pointing at the box, he raises an eyebrow as Shoto nods slightly; signaling that he should open it. Opening the box, Izuku gasps at a silver heart locket engraved with the initials I and S with a few silver ivies entangling it. One of the leaves served as a button, to which Izuku pressed it, to reveal a selfie of the two from high school right after they've defeated some of their classmates in a tournament. "Sho..."


"You kept this... after all this time? You... you said you liked me 4 years ago. We were seniors in high school.... This is a picture from sophomore year." Izuku looks confused as Shoto shakes his head.

"I said I was planning on confessing to you during senior year. I've liked you since freshman year. Ever since you told me that my power is mine." The young man confesses as the greenette's face blooms red in embarrassment. "I confided in Hanta, of all people, who I guess couldn't hold in the information and Mina told Ochaco, who then made her move."

"Oh..." Izuku caresses the locket, handing it over to Shoto who looks downtrodden. "O-Oh, I'm not giving it back! I was going to ask if you can put it on me..."

The stoic man smiles graciously, taking the locket and walking around the table; kneeling to hook the necklace around Izuku's neck. "Does this mean you're going out with me?"

"It'd be pretty weird if I wore this and said no, right?" Izuku jokingly responds, nodding his head. "Of course, I'll date you."

Shoto nods back, thinking of his next words carefully. "I want to start an agency."

"Wait, what?" Izuku looks up from the necklace around his neck in confusion.

"I've been thinking about it for quite some time, but I'm tired of for-profit agencies like my father's and the Iidas existing," Shoto explains. "I understand that it's a lot of hard work and that I'd be going against my father's plans for me, but I don't aspire to be a number one hero. I'd rather lay low like Aizawa."

"And by lay low, you mean sit back and crunch numbers unless your talents could be used in certain scenarios? Like a backup hero?" Izuku questions as Shoto hums in agreement. "Wouldn't that be stressful?"

"It would, but that's where a good partner and face comes in." Shoto smiles gently, placing down a piece of paper. "You don't have to sign it now."

"Wait, wait, wait, wait! You want me to be your business partner?!" Izuku gasps, picking up the paper and skimming over the agreement. "I thought you wanted to date me?"

"Why not both? Do I need to chose?" He questions, raising an eyebrow as Izuku blushes hard.

"This sounds like a life partner kinda transaction. It says in the fine print that if separation were to occur, the business would be split 50/50 between the founders..." Izuku trails off, watching as Shoto places a pen down. "But wouldn't you be the sole founder? It is your idea."

"My idea that can't come true without you. Please Izuku, I really like you and I need you. You're the only one I trust with this." Shoto begs, staring stoically as the greenette picks up the pen and sighs; signing his name along the indicated lines. "This contact also serves as a marriage document."

"Wait, what?! Where?!" Izuku questions, rereading the form as Shoto points at a line thrown in the middle of the paper that reads, 'Both parties consent to marriage'. "Shocchan, I didn't know that?! Why didn't you tell me?! We aren't ready for marriage?!"

"You didn't ask. I thought you read it thoroughly. But don't worry, we don't have to worry about labels yet. This is just for the contract." Shoto shrugs as Izuku spirals, face heated to a million degrees. "Our date can be set for tomorrow. I should give you time to think about meeting today and maybe get some ideas on who should join our agency along with the name."



"Sooo, how was talking to Halfie?" Katsuki snickers as Izuku walks in with a mega blush, touching his locket. "Is that a necklace? You don't wear jewelry..."

"H-he gave this to me, asked me out and um..." Izuku bites his lip, looking away from his childhood best friend who quirks up an eyebrow. "W-we're married?"

"You're joking." Katsuki continues snickering, only stopping when he doesn't see his best friend doing the same. "No. Really?! How did that happen?! You were gone for an hour!"

"I don't know! One second he was asking about my feelings, the next I'm signing a business document that serves as a marriage contract!" Izuku flails his arms, sinking into his desk chair as Katsuki bursts into laughter. "Stop laughing at meeee!"

"Sorry dude, but that is hilarious! Auntie is gonna be so mad at you for not inviting her to your wedding." The blonde wipes a tear from his eye. "Man, I thought I'd be the best man."

"Oh shut up, we didn't have a ceremony; therefore it doesn't count. We're... just dating. Yeah, just dating."

"Whatever helps you sleep at night." Katsuki yawns, rolling over in the greenette's sheets. "Listen, if you want to check on your godchildren; you should probably do it now. Denki and Kiri are teaching Michiko how to swear."

"Oh no..."


Boom, done. Imma pop out more soon enough.

Hope yall enjoyed!

~ Shadow Out!🌑

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