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Crisp air gently blows through the streets of Japan, fireworks go off in preparation as thousands of people gather around a blocked off park. Cheers and applause echoed the streets as Shoto fixed his red tie, his black suit highlighting how handsome he looks in low light.

The officiant, their principal, Nezu, clears his throat; effectively silencing the crowd as he smiles. "Welcome all to the wedding of Todoroki Shoto and Midoriya Izuku, also known as Pro Heroes: ThermaFrost and Deku. We are delighted to have such an enormous amount of support today. Now I'd like to take the time to remind you all to turn off your phones and be respectful of the heroes amongst you, otherwise stationed heroes will dismiss you from the property. The wedding will begin in 10 minutes."

Murmurs take over as people begin to do as the rodent hybrid said, a few shuffling as someone taps Shoto's shoulder. Turning, the dual haired man raises an eyebrow as Fumikage quickly dusts off his shoulders before adjusting the tie; Dark Shadow giving a thumbs up with glee. "Thanks, Fumikage."

"Just doing my job as your best man. You excited?" The raven-like man questions, smiling genuinely as Shoto turns to look at the crowd.

"Absolutely. I'm just glad that I have this chance now. I don't know what I would have done if he hadn't chose to give me a chance." Shoto hums, checking the time. "I can't wait to make him mine, once and for all."

"Did you chose a honeymoon destination?" Fumikage questions, knowing that his best friend hadn't even told him about a spot for the two to spend time together.

"We're touring the Americas. I couldn't make up my mind, so we'll be traveling together for about a month or so until the grand opening of our hero agency." The groom-to-be smiles as Nezu once again clears his throat, grabbing their attention. "You should go back there and get ready. See you soon."

With that, Fumikage takes his leave to go meet up with Tsuyu who was one of the bridesmaids. "Alright, the wedding is now beginning."

'Here Comes The Bride', a traditional  wedding processional song plays as the bridesmaids and their matchups walk down the aisle from one of the many tents pitched around the park. Gasps from some of the guests rang through the room as Eijiro held onto Katsuki's arm tightly, smiling nervously while shooting glances at the blonde who rolls his eyes; smiling confidently. "You okay, Kat?"

The blonde lightly scoffs at the whisper as he glances around before quickly answering as they reached the end. "Duh, now go before we ruin this shit." He saunters over to the front of Midoriya's side, seeing as he was the greenette's best man despite having walked last. The redhead frowned before walking to the end of Shoto's side.

Izuku, in all his glory, walks out of his tent. A veil covered his face as he wore an all white suit with a long train, a half red and white tie laid flatly on his chest. Holding a bouquet of chrysanthemums and lilies, he waves nervously as he walks down the aisle. His mother bursted into tears with Mitsuki comforting her; Todoroki Rei seated next to the two as a sign of their newly forged friendship due to their sons' union.

Handing the flowers to Katsuki, Izuku gives Shoto his hands as they smile at each other. "We are gathered here today to witness the union of two of Japan's finest heroes, ThermaFrost and Deku. As life continues to throw out adversity after adversity, these two are making a pact to not only persevere together but to cherish each other in times of crisis."

Nezu gestures towards the ring bearer, Izumi, as the ravenette lifts the pillow showing off the two rings. "With these rings, you symbolize your love, warmth and compassion for your partner; showcasing your loyalty in a beautiful, binding way. Grab them."

Izuku takes the slightly bigger one while Shoto takes the slimmer one; each holding onto them as Nezu continues. "Have you prepared vows?"

"Yes, we have." Shoto clears his throat, looking into pools of emerald as Izuku smiles gently at him. "Despite our relationship skipping a few milestones, I still am in awe at your beauty. I've loved you for years, but obstacles stood in my way. Through healing and the comfort of our friends, we've reach this point in our lives where I want nothing more than to call you mine and now I can do that with nothing standing in my way. You are the light at the end of my tunnel, the reason I wake up each morning happy and content with where my life goes. Now I get to wake up to a face full of freckles and warmth in my heart daily. So thank you, Izuku, for being the love of my life and brightening my world."

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