The (Partial) Truth

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"Why am I being kept in a dingy old jail cell with two brutish looking males? No offense, you're handsome within your own rights." Yuga smiles nervously, clearing his throat as he tries to keep his distance. Detective Tsukauchi Naomasa raises an eyebrow at the femboy, ultimately choosing kindness and shooing off the brutes. "Thank you... why am I here? You said that you wanted to speak to me, but I've been in this cage for three hours."

"Sorry about that, Aoyama. There was a meeting that lasted a bit too long for our liking, we just needed some clarity on a few things from you and you'll be free to do as you please. Now will you follow me to a separate room?" Naomasa directs with a gentle smile as the blonde bites his lip, getting up to follow. After a silent walk towards a gray concrete room, Yuga is directed to sit on a metal chair across from the detective; facing a mirror. "Now, Yuga was it? What is your relationship to Aoyama Aimi?"

"I'm her twin brother. Technically, her younger brother but I was disowned in 7th grade." Yuga sighs, playing with his purple nail polish as he takes mental note of the guy writing down information. "If you're going to interrogate me, you could at least turn off the mirror. I'm aware at least six, if not more, heroes are on the other side... waiting for something to happen."

Naomasa sits up straighter, cautiously placing his book and pen down as he taps the glass twice; revealing All Might, Aizawa, Katsuki, Inko, Izuku and surprisingly Endeavor along with Shoto. "Glad to see that you're aware of your surroundings. I'll tell you the circumstances, they don't look good for you as you can see. I want to give you the benefit of a doubt. Please, Yuga. Tell us about your sister's connection to the League of Villains."

"You have a truth telling quirk, yes?" Yuga questions as Naomasa nods, sitting back in his seat as Yuga smiles warily as he looks over to Katsuki specifically. "Then you'll know that I'm genuinely sorry for assisting them in Katsuki's kidnapping back in freshman year of high school. I had no choice. Everything I did, I did in the name of love."

"Your sister's love for Katsuki?"

"That bitch doesn't love him. Hell, she wasn't suppose to have him." Yuga scoffs, crossing his arms as he looks at the table in front of him. "Arrest me if you must. I don't want to talk about it with you."

"What about with me? Please Sparkles, we need to know." Katsuki pleads, stepping into the room against the wishes of Inko and All Might. "Whatever you say can't hurt you now."

"Kurogiri has a fucking portal he can whisk me away in. Also why the hell do you have me of all people here? Because I'm nicer than others who obviously know about the LOV? Newsflash, you could have gotten my dumbass cousin or his fucking ex!" Yuga points at Izuku who pales at the implication. "There's more than just me in this fucking shit and I hate that I was sucked into her plan with empty promises. Sit down, my dear Katsuki. You'll fucking love this story."

Katsuki glances at Naomasa as the detective nods, standing up to exit the room as the blonde sits down across from the purple eyed young adult. "The facility is quirk proof. Especially interrogation rooms. You're safe in here."

A scoff confuses the crimson eyed man as he watches Yuga lean back in his seat, legs manspread as he gets comfortable. "I haven't been safe in fucking years. The story begins back in 3rd grade. Aimi and I were thick as thieves, doing everything together. During summer break, our parents wanted us to visit our grandparents in France. I won't go into detail, but I absolutely loved the trip. She resented the trip and wanted to return home. Our parents decided that I could stay while she would return to Japan. For 3 years, I lived happily with my grandparents and there, I was inspired to be a hero."

"Then why are you helping them...?" Katsuki whispers as the shiny blonde glares at him.

"I'm going to get there. I returned at the end of 6th grade year. At a park, I saw the most cutest kid claiming to be a hero amongst his peers. Curious, I observed from afar. I was hooked, scared and shy. I did nothing to talk with this kid. Though I held a journal, filled with my dreams and goals. In this journal, I had wrote that I wanted to talk to this kid. Step by step, I wrote out a small plan." Yuga chuckles to himself, shaking his head. "I was originally quirkless. Exactly like you, Midoriya. My old man made a deal with the devil and sold me to the League. In exchange, I keep my life and I get a quirk to become a hero. I was placed between a rock and a hard place."

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