Part 2, Anyone?

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Hey guys, been a minute huh?

I know I promised another chapter to fully round off Michiko Bakugo, but I was thinking... how about a Part 2? *insert smirk*

It's not going to be anything fancy, but I did realized that the KiriBaku wasn't fully fleshed out and I time-skipped into it. Hence, the part 2 in which we'll travel back to right after the little brother was born; insert fluff (and saucy things), then bam: close off the book.

Idk, I want to write about family things and this seems like a good book for that. Plus, more drama. Win-win for me and y'all.

So without further ado,

Part 2 of Michiko Bakugo!

(Also while I have you guys here, THANKS SO MUCH FOR ALL THE READS AND VOTES! I didn't expect this book of all books to get this far. Originally, I took this book down like 3 times because no one was reading it. So it means the world to me that people are actually interested in it as I love the premise of it. And don't worry, TodoDeku and OchaMona will be side ships for anyone whose interested!)


~Shadow Out!🌑

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