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"Do we still not know how long this coma will last or what caused it?" Shota questions, beginning to get restless. About 10 hours has passed since he fell under and no one felt comfortable enough to sleep, using their time to do research on any leads for missing League members from the raid.

"None that I can see medically. If this were stress-induced like I previously predicted, he would have begun to awake by now. This has to be a quirk and depending on how strong the user is, this could last from weeks to even months." Chiyo, also known as Recovery Girl, explains as she changes his saline for the 3rd time that night. "Do we have evidence against the Sahari family?"

"As of right now, nothing conclusive. She must have some other quirks at her disposal to help erase her tracks." Izuku begins to mumble, using a tablet to record his findings on specialized quirks.

"You know, if you weren't trying to be number 1; you'd make for a great analyst, Midoriya. I'd probably hire you as a part of my team." Shota looks over the greenette's shoulder, seeing all the arrows and lines connecting information together. Notes lined the corner of the screen.

"O-oh, thanks Mr.Aizawa. I've been taking notes like these since I was a kid. Thought it would make me useful since I was, you know, quirkless." The greenette sighs, turning the tablet off. "Do you mind if I keep the tablet? I want to finish up before presenting this later to the rest of the staff."

"Of course, do what what you need. If you want to leave, I'll give updates on-!"

"Why is my mouth so dry?" A voice interrupts, sounding hoarse and groggy as everyone turns towards the couch; seeing Yuga's hand move towards his head. The blonde smacks his lips a bit before rolling over onto his side, pulling on the cords.

"I know this dude didn't just roll over like he was taking a fucking nap." Katsuki blurts, earning a glare from Yuga. "Bro, Sparkles. You were in a fucking coma. So how the fuck did you just do that?"

"I'm used to that quirk. One of the loser groups in the League had a guy whose quirk could cause comas with fever like symptoms. After I died, I would be put under to ensure that my body was fully healed." He explains, yawning as Izuku scribbles down more notes. "And if I were you, I'd delete everything off of that tablet and any other devices I can find. You never know if Sahari is siphoning off them."

Izuku's eyebrows raise in shock, staring at the tablet in fear. "We didn't think about that at all... do we have a firewall?"

"The best in the world. I doubt she'd be able to break through it. She only broadcasted this far. If she were able to do more, surely she would have done so by now." Shota mumbles, rubbing his forehead with his thumb; feeling a migraine coming on. "But, I'll see about finding a notebook or board for you to use to present your data."

"Are we going to casually walk past the fact that this bitch just said died as in past tense?!" Katsuki gapped, worried for everyone as that was a little too confusing to keep up with. "The hell do you mean died?"

"The quirk is called Tempered Memories. It forces the mind to cycle through memories you share with the closest person to you. In exchange, your body heats up or cools down to extreme temperatures; often knocking the victim out. It's good for healing users, as it gives the body time to heal and makes for great practice with extreme temperatures." Yuga explains, turning back around to look at everyone as his eyebrows scrunch in confusion. "That's... that's what I know about the quirk."

"Ok, but that still doesn't explain why you're talking about death? When did you die?"

"When I was 14. I... I was fed up with life and when my master wasn't looking, I injected myself with a prototype poison that the League was planning on shipping to one of their partner organizations. I was instantly dead as my lungs shut down and I stopped breathing." The blonde curls up into a ball, shoulders shaking as he looked down; shielding his face from the group as tears rolled down his cheek, his voice unwavering. "I was finally at fucking peace until I brought back to life with some other fucking quirk. When I asked why... I was told that I was loved. Constantly. As if that's what I wanted to hear from the person I despised the most. Every damn day. Uzai, this. Uzai, that. Uzai, I love you. And he's force me to say it back until one day he told me not to say it randomly. Probably some mind games he wanted to play."

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