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"Do you think that Yuga's fever will break anytime soon?" Izuku mumbles, bent down next to the unconscious blonde who shakily breathes; watching as he scrunches his nose a bit.

"I'm not sure, dear. But I'm going to hook him up to some machines soon, just to make sure he gets enough fluid in case of dehydration and to administer some medication to help with his recovery. It seems really bad, almost like he's been sick for a while." Recovery Girl responds, writing down notes for Katsuma who was still peacefully knocked out from the toxin. "Katsuma should be asleep for about 30 more minutes, if you'd like to tell Katsuki about it."

"Ok, thanks." Izuku sighs, standing up as he spares one more glance at the blonde before walking out of the building; seeing the blonde talk with his daughter a bit more. "Kacchan, Katsuma should wake up in about 30 more minutes. Aoyama's getting worse."

"That video must've gotten to him badly... I wouldn't be surprised if I was next. I wouldn't put it past Sahari to have a clip from my assault." Katsuki thinks out loud as Eijiro gapes at him. "What? It's possible. But what would she gain from this?"

"Wait, how do we know it's Sahari and not some other villain with a grudge against Class 1-A?" The redhead questions as he tilts his head, earning a dead look from his boyfriend. "We have to include all possibilities."

"Well I mean there are other hacking quirks with the same abilities as Sahari, but she has the strongest version of it from what I remember. Her quirk is called Broadcast. It sounds straight forward, but it's more complicated than that. She has the abilities to broadcast any kind of content that she has physically in her hand; whether it's a phone, computer, or television. She can share videos, music, pictures and other personal information like files. She used her quirk for advertising her family's business when they were just starting out." Izuku mumbles out the information he remembered, biting the tip of his thumb. "It would make the most sense of it being her with her history with Kacchan and Aoyama."

"What was the history? All you've told me was that she was Aimi's best friend." Eijiro asks as Katsuki rolls his eyes.

"Yeah, she was. But she also confessed to me because she's a psychotic bitch with no love life of her own." Katsuki looks away with a defeated look, earning a surprised stare from the other two. "It was not long after Aimi and I became an official couple. She introduced me to her dumbass group of people she called friends, the treatment was questionable. They were more like lackeys. Sahari was part of the group and it was like a switch went off in her. She became bratty and rude, trying to be like me. One day, she told me that Aimi wanted to meet behind the school and I went. It was her and a handmade confession. I rejected her without much thought and she threw a tantrum, claiming that I was now her enemy."

"That sounds like motive. What's the range on her quirk?" Shouta asks, walking up with a detective who was already writing what was overheard.

"Um, in middle school, it wasn't far. Just a couple blocks, but I'm guessing by now... she's definitely district or even continent level." Izuku answers as the detective writes it down again, nodding. "Are you going to talk to her?"

"We might. We haven't been able to record the videos to take a voice sample, but knowing what we know about her... it's probably a voice modifier to hide it or tweak it." The man sighs, pocketing his notebook. "Damn, Bakugo. You have a lot of enemies."

"You're telling me. I regret so many things from middle school, but there's some thing I regret more than all of this drama. So I guess I'd rather take this karma than the one I really deserve." Katsuki laughs weakly, standing up from his seat as he dusts off his pants. "So you said Katsuma is waking up soon? Let's check on him, yeah?"

He turns to walk into the common room, confused as he watches Recovery Girl moving frantically. "No time to explain! Your son is awake, but Yuga's heart is racing!"

"What does that mean? Why is his heart racing?" Katsuki questions, glancing over at the crib before looking at the couch; seeing vomit on Yuga's chest and a few spots of blood from the needles popping out during his squirming. "Goddamn it..."

"He woke up from a night terror, vomiting all over himself; screaming to be let go. I got him to settle down, but now..." Recovery Girl grimaces, checking his monitors in dismay; shaking her head.

"Now what?" The rest of the people coming in, hearing them talk as Recovery Girl stares at the unconscious blonde.

"Now, we need a hospital. He's in a coma."


Coma time~!

Don't worry, this is going to be the most fun thing I'm ever going to write and you're ever going to read.

~Shadow Out!🌑

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