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"Kacchan, are you ok? You're shaking?" Izuku questions, placing a hand on his best friend's shoulder. "Did something happen? You were gone for awhile with Kiri... did he do something?"

"I... I don't think I should say? It's private." Katsuki mumbles, glancing at the greenette who nods; pulling his hand away. "How are things with Halfie?"

"Oh, I think they're going good? We have a meeting with a few contractors to build our agency, a lawyer for legal advice, a few doctors and healers for our own personal medical staff, etc. I also wrote down a list of heroes I'd like to join our team and I was thinking about visiting some of the 3rd year UA high school students to see if they'd like to intern as sidekicks." Izuku rambles, earning an amused huff from the blonde. "Speaking of, I probably shouldn't let you know this but you're my best friend."

"What? Y'all getting a divorce? You dropping me?" Katsuki tilts his head as the greenette snorts.

"Hah! No, I'm offering you a job. We want to offer everyone here a job, but I need you first. I have a plan." Izuku grins as Katsuki glances him over once more, straightening out his back as he faces his friend.

"What do you want from me? I can't really do much."

"I need you to come visit some people with me. Nothing more and nothing less."


"When you said nothing more, I thought we were visiting his siblings or your mom. You didn't say we're going to talk to fucking Endeavor and Hawks." Katsuki hisses, fixing his tie as Izuku rings the doorbell. "Why are we here anyways?"

"Shocchan asked me if I could, but I didn't want to go alone." Izuku smiled, watching as the door opened. "Hi Endeavor. Is Hawks here, too?"

"You know you can call me Enji when we're off the clock, right Izuku?" The older man scoffed, opening the door wider. "Come in, he's in the living room."

"R-right, thanks Enji." Izuku stammers, taking off his shoes; Katsuki following suit.

Making their way to the living room, they see Rei pouring cups of tea for them with a gentle smile on her face. "Oh hello, Keigo was just telling me about your meeting and I wanted to be a good host. I'll be out of the way, but enjoy the tea and snacks I've prepared."

"Thank you." Katsuki bows in greeting, Izuku following suit. She nods, exiting the room and leaving. "So what is this meeting about?"

"Why is Bakugo here? I was told this was a meeting between us and you, Izuku." The flame hero questions, picking up his cup of tea.

"Y-yes, well. As you know, Shoto wants to build his own agency and we need your support. Your agency is currently overstaffed and we were wondering if you'd be willing to spare some sidekicks." Izuku places a document on the table out of his bag. "This is a list of those who fit our agency's vision. Please review these and let me know if it's doable."

"What do I get out of this?" Enji raises an eyebrow, reaching for the paper as Izuku chuckles.

"An invitation. The offer is also extended to you, Hawks."

"An invitation to what?"

"Our wedding." Izuku casually shrugs, watching the winged hero spit out his tea as Enji closes his eyes. "Within the next year, Shocchan and I are having a ceremony and we'd love for you to attend. Only if you're willing to gift us some sidekicks, of course."

"You're engaged?! Congrats man! Of course, I'd be willing to part with some of my kicks. They mostly do busy work anyways." Keigo grins, reaching over to shake Izuku's hand.

"They're already fucking married, they're just having the ceremony later." Katsuki rolls his eyes, watching as Enji places his cup down and stands up; grabbing the papers. "Oi, where are you going?"

"To grab a pen."

"There's one right here. Now where are you going?"

"To think. Congratulations, Izuku. I'll attend your ceremony after I return this to you in a week's time. I'd like to ask my sidekicks how they'd feel about being transferred." Enji nods, waving the paper. "Leave at your own discretion."


Hey, sorry for the short chapter. Some troll is going around and I'm genuinely scared right now.

Legit minding my business, reading some BakuDeku and bam: some person Idek is calling me a "groomer" for reading 18+ stories that have nothing to do with the actual characters. I mean little do they know I write alternate reality stories, but the accusations really freaked me out since I've been harassed before by actual pedos when I was younger than 18. Now that I'm older and away from that environment, I've luckily gotten better and recovered enough to write stories based on those experiences.

No, I am not a survivor; but I was sexually harassed. It did not escalate, thank god and I pray everyday for the people who aren't as lucky.

I just wanted to let you all know what's going on and that I'll be here writing chapters for you still.

Peace and love,
~Shadow Out!🌑

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