Full Circle

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Consists of Timeskips in this order: 12 years, (later that same day), 2 months from that, 6 years from that and a week later. Just a compilation of Michiko.

"I can't believe your father is Dynamite, the number 2 hero! He's so cool!" A random student gawks as Michiko smiles weakly at them, not knowing what to do. "Didn't he say he was going to be taking on another job? Do you know what it is?!"

"Do... do I know you?" Michiko mumbles, raising an eyebrow at the lavender haired kid with bright blue eyes; staring at them as they smile brightly at her.

"Oh! You might not remember me, but you kind of saved me during the entrance exams. My name's Jin Shimano. Sorry if it seems weird, but I kind of know everything about you." The kid chuckles as Michiko squints at him. "Y-you used your injection quirk to explode the giant mechs?"

"Oh! I remember you! You were crying like a little baby while I took down the zero pointers." She teases as the short kid blushes in embarrassment. "You're welcome by the way. My uncle Deku said to get as many points through being kind. It wasn't really about the points, but you deserved a bit of kindness.... so what's your quirk?"

"Oh! Well, I call it Super Nova... I'm able to create balls of burning gas from my hands and expel them from my body. It makes me kind of dizzy if I overuse it though. It's basically stars that I can toss like fireballs. I can only do two at a time for now." Jin smiles, walking alongside Michiko as they continue to talk. "Oh! What class are you in?"

"1-A, just like my dad was back in high school. You?"

"Same! I can't believe we're in the same class! I hope we can be friends!" Jin grins as Michiko returns it with a small smile, pushing open the doors as the class talks in tandem.

"Alright you fucking brats, shut the fuck up-!" A loud voice barks as students take their seats; a blonde stomping through the doors in his hero costume before locking eyes with the brown eyed blonde known as Michiko. "Just because you're my kid, doesn't mean I'll make shit easy on you!"

Michiko scoffs, lifting her feet onto the desk; glaring at her old man. "I don't expect you to, Dad. Now teach, old man!"


"Hey Kats, are you up for a date?" A voice questions as Katsuki turns around to face a red head with black roots, holding a tea cup with freshly made tea. "Made this for you. But we've been working pretty hard and I thought we could use a break."


"Give me back my stuff, you little twerp!" Michiko shouts from further in the house as footsteps stomp about. "Suma! Give me my fucking phone-!"

A little dirty blonde with brown eyes giggles loudly as he runs straight into the living room; hopping to sit beside his father. "Dad! She's talking to boys!"

"What?" Katsuki raises an eyebrow, looking at the phone to see the profile picture of her and Jin hugging, taking a selfie. One of the latest messages being a request for Facetime. "Who's 'Jin-san'?"

"They're not a boy! They're nonbinary and a classmate. I met them earlier today... Well, during the entrance exam. I apparently saved them when fighting a zero pointer. Their quirk is really cool. They can-!"

"I regret letting fucking Deku babysit you as a kid." Katsuki glares at his daughter who clearly wanted to rant about how cool her first friend from U.A is. "Nope, I don't want to hear it. Just take your phone and go. Don't send nudes or anything!"

"Ew! I won't!" Michiko shouts, taking her phone as she clicks the Facetime button; walking to her room as the ringer goes.


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