Sahari Pt. 2

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"Hush little baby, don't say a word..." A voice whispers, the gentle creak of a rocking chair rhythmically accompanying the soft lullaby. "Momma's going to buy you a hummingbird..."

"Mommy, when are you going to play with me?" A young child questions, head tilted in confusion as a glare was sent her way; the creaking stopped. "Mommy?"

"Go away. I can't be bothered with you. Filthy child." The woman scoffs, waving her hand as she manipulates air to slam the door on the little girl's face.

"Mommy...?" The girl sniffles, tearing up as a hand gets placed on her shoulder.

"Come with me, Yuko. We can play together."


"H-how is he dead? H-he was sound asleep i-in his crib! Nothing seemed wrong!" The woman screams in agony as the cops arrive to their house along with paramedics who placed the infant in a small body bag. "M-my baby!"

Yuko stands off to the side, holding hands with the housemaid who gently pets her head; dotting on her as if she's her own child. The mother, Furin, stomps over and backhands the maid who gasps in shock. "M-ma'am?"

"How dare you!? You should be ashamed of yourself! How could you let my son die!? You should have been watching him!" The white-haired woman screams, stomping her heel as the cops walk over to break up the yelling. 

"I did watch him, but you pay me to watch both of your children. I can't be expected to be in two places at once." The maid calmly explains, removing her hand from the young girl to bow. "My apologies, ma'am."

"You're fired. I'll take care of my own daughter from now on since I can't trust you to not kill my kids."


"Did you hear about that new movie coming out?" A girl gossips, leaning over Yuko's table as her silver eyes lock onto brown eyes, a hand waving at her as she waves back. "Do you guys want to see it?"

Yuko rolls her eyes, standing up from her desk as she walks over to a blonde girl who smiles brightly at her; causing her face to bloom red. "What are you doing over here, Sahari? I thought you were hanging out with your friends today?"

"I wanted to hang out with you instead. Plus, they're very annoying." The popular girl sighs, opening her pastry as she tears a piece off; handing it to the blonde girl. "Aoyama, aren't you tired of all the confessions? It's draining."

"Eh, it's kind of funny to watch these fools bumble and fail to woo me. Makes me feel less lonely, you know?" Aimi smiles, looking at her nails as she watches an argument take place between a greenette and a small gang of students. "Woah, wait... who's that?"

"Who? The blonde? That's Bakugo Katsuki. He has this really cool explosion quirk, but he thinks he controls shit since he's strong. He wants to be a hero, but he's way too mean to actually make it in my opinion." Yuko explains, biting her muffin as the blonde girl crosses her arms; nodding her head at the information. "Why?"

"He seems... interesting. I might make him my new toy..." Aimi wiggles her eyebrows as Yuko chuckles, shaking her head. Toys were meant to be broken in their language and were never meant to last long. 

"Good luck with that. It's impossible to get his attention. He's always focused on that quirkless bitch, Midoriya is his name? He's always following him around despite this, I think they grew up together." Yuko shrugs, placing down her food as she leans forward; pointing a well-manicured finger at her best friend. "Listen, I love you. Go out with me instead and forget about that brute."

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