... A Date?

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"So.... Katsuki-!" Eijiro begins, watching as Michiko, Neito and Yuga discuss their family dynamic; getting interrupted by Mina.

"Since when are you calling him Katsuki?!" Mina squeals, gaining the attention of almost all the students in the room. The blonde rolls his eyes, glancing up at the red head who turns red in embarrassment.

"Uh since m-my confession... but speaking of that! Katsuki, since everything has slowed down and that chapter of your life is officially closed-!" Eijiro begins again, getting cut off by the blonde who shakes his head.

"I still have a son on the way. It's not closed yet. But what are you getting at?" Katsuki raises an eyebrow, hands being lifted up by the red head who smiles genuinely at him. "Oh."

"Yeah, I was wondering if you'd finally go on a date with me? I mean you never really rejected me and I thought that now would be a good time. I-if you want to, that is."

"I... are you sure? I never... dated a guy before... a-and I have a daughter, a son on the way. If you get involved like that with me, you get involved with them..." Katsuki sighs, biting his lip as Eijiro nods enthusiastically. "I don't want you to make a fucking mistake. Hell, I don't even have a sexuality yet."

"I can give you time to figure things out on your end. But I do want to be there for you and your family, Kat. I want you to know that as things get harder in your life and as things change like the seasons, my feelings for you will always be a stagnant factor in your life. I promise that I'd treat your kids as if they're my own. Hell, I'll be a good uncle for Aoyama's kid!"

"Let's get one thing straight: Katsuki's the godparent. You marry him, you provide for my kid too." Yuga shouts from the couch, earning groans from everyone. "What? He's the perfect example my children will need, no? You all can't judge that I'd want perfect."

"Far from it, but thanks Sparkles." Katsuki rolls his eyes, earning snickers from the class as Michiko tugs on the blonde's shirt. "What baby girl?"

"Marry Eiji! He's nice and sings so pretty. Plus he really likes you, Daddy! I-it's my birthday tomorrow, so for me?" Michiko begs, giving her best puppy dog eyes as Katsuki closes his eyes; turning from his daughter. Opening them, he grunts as he's hit with bright light as Eijiro smiles at him with the same eyes as his daughter.

"Fucking fine! One date... then I'll think about being with you for the long run."


"Where are we going?" Katsuki deadpans, arms crossed over his chest as he sits next to the red head in his car. "We've been fucking driving for like an hour now."

"I'm taking you to Kyoto..." Eijiro smiles gently, driving past a few houses before pulling into one of the driveways. "Actually, I'm taking you here."

"This house? Why...-! No. You're not... on the first date?" Katsuki looks at him incredulously as Eijiro chuckles, getting out of the car; walking over to the other side as Katsuki steps out the vehicle. "Is this...?"

"My parents' house. I kind of told my mom that I was planning on going on a date with someone... so she wanted to meet you." Eijiro explains as Katsuki's face drains of color. "It's not that bad, Kat! I promise, they'll love you."

"... I highly doubt that." Katsuki sighs, hearing Eijiro knock on the door before it swings open. A couple of kid-like voices fill the air as one of them shouts out that Eijiro is there.

"Eiji! You're home! I've prepared some lunch for you and your..." The black haired woman pauses, looking at the blonde who awkwardly smiles at her. "Your boyfriend. Wow, I didn't know you were bringing a guy. Well, I'm Kirishima Yua. My husband, Botan, will be down shortly."

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