Sex Tape

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"Mina, I'm starting to realize that you are the nosiest, most disrespectful member of our class and it's becoming a real problem." Momo crosses her arms, glares at the pink woman who freezes mid-chew on her sandwich.

"What did I do this time?" She rolls her eyes playfully, setting the sandwich on her plate as she lovingly blinks her eyes at the creation quirk user who scoffs in distaste. Hurt, she sits up straight realizing this was a serious accusation. "Wait, no. I'm serious, what did I do?"

"It's about what you've done, it doesn't have to be recent and the sad thing is: you've never even apologized; you just kept going like you did nothing wrong." Momo sighs, arms falling to rest at her sides. "The first thing you do when Bakugo's kid gets here is harass him about the mother of his child. Then, you set up meetings behind his back with your little clique to mettle in relationships. So tell me, who's next on your little chart?"

"I-I don't know what you're talking-?!"

"I saw that you were trying to set me up with Todoroki, who we all knew had a pretty hard thing for Midoriya. Then when you tried to pair me with Jiro, knowing she's my best friend and that she likes someone else. So I want to know who's next." Momo explains, placing a hand on her hip as she blushes lightly.

"Honestly, no one. And I wasn't aware of how far I went. I didn't mean to hurt anyone... honestly." She mumbles, looking down at her bitten sandwich; feeling her stomach turn. "I was preoccupied..."

"With setting Denki up with Jiro, right? Or maybe Shinso? I've noticed how you look at him whenever the two talk." Momo sends a glare at her as Mina opens her mouth to deny before shutting it. "You can't even say anything, wow."

"But Jiro came to me! That wasn't something that I stuck my nose in, I had to give Denki the hint; he wouldn't have known otherwise." Mina defends herself as Momo raises an eyebrow. "She asked for relationship advice because her best friend knew nothing about them."

"I know about relationships, I don't believe she would say that about me." Momo pouts, honestly offended at the thought of Kyoka claiming that about her.

"Well it's true. And I've been busy dealing with my own love life, so I don't have time to meddle with other people. Since you want to be so nosey about my plans, I'm trying to plan out how I'm going to ask out someone." Mina rolls her eyes, picking up the glass of water she hadn't touched yet. Taking a sip, she watches as Momo just blankly looks at her in disbelief. "Yeah, so who's nosey now?"

"I'm not going to ask, something I know that you wouldn't think twice to do if you were in my situation. So I'm going to go now, but you should apologize to the people you are affecting with your antics. It's not becoming of an upcoming hero."

"I'll keep that in mind, Creati. Thanks for telling me."


A knock snaps the pink woman out of her daze as she sits up on her bed, looking over to see it's past 8'o clock. Walking over to her door, she's met with Hanta holding a baby. Confused, she lets him in as he sighs; sitting at her computer desk, rocking the child who coos. "What... what are you doing with... is that Nioki?"

"Yeah, Yuga asked if I could handle one of the twins while he left the other one with Iida. Apparently, Michiko got her quirk. He took her to Aizawa along with Katsuma who apparently has a little mark on his leg and is non-responsive. I'm thinking it has something to do with Michiko's quirk; it wouldn't make sense for it to be anything else. Hopefully they'll be alright." Hanta drops as he groans, using his free hand to rub the creases of his eyes. "I was honestly on my way out the door to smoke, but he just had to see me. And who am I to turn him down?"

"He doesn't want us to pity him, Hanta. Sure, we can feel bad about the situation; but we can't go back in time to fix it and we definitely can't judge what we don't fully know." She shrugs as he looks at her with wide eyes. Flushed with embarrassment, she looks at her toes in discomfort. "What? I just had a rude awakening by Momo."

"That was the fucking hottest thing I've ever heard you say. You need to say more shit like that; makes me want to fuck you." He chuckles, getting comfortable in the chair as she shakes her head and rolls her eyes. "Shit, I might ask Denki to watch him at this rate... god."

"Denki's busy, so there's no chance. And besides, is the video not enough? We did so much that weekend, it should have had enough content." Mina raises an eyebrow as the tape user smiles weakly.

"I've already watched it, twice. It doesn't do it for me anymore and it doesn't even come close to the real thing." He confesses as her eyes widen in shock. "I know! I know, it was 48 hours of the best sex I've ever had; but I just couldn't help myself."

"You know what, fuck it. I wouldn't mind making another one, but... I want to tell you something." She sighs, pacing the room a bit nervously as she runs a hand through her kinky hair. "I can't do this anymore, I want more."


"Like I want to be official. It's fun being friends with benefits and all that, but I'm starting to feel a bit... used? I mean I know that was kinda the point, but I really think that if we try... we could be something more. And I'm sorry if I'm making this awkward or something, but we've been doing this for years, Hanta. Like your dick print is engraved into my pussy, I'm already yours. So why not make this real?" Mina questions, biting her lip with her eyes closed; waiting for rejection.

Feeling a hand on her cheek, she opens her eyes widely when she feels a hard pressure on her lips. The pressure retreats as she looks down to see a gargling baby and traveling her eyes upward to be met with a blushing Hanta who looks at her lovingly.

"I've wanted to do that for so long. Why did you never say anything? We could have been dating if I would've known you wanted more." He rolls his eyes as she punches his arm, giggling.

"You bitch! How was I supposed to know? You only ever come to me when you want to fuck!"

"To be fair, you established the rules; so who was I to break them?" Hanta shrugs, winning that argument before remembering something. "Momo gave you a rude awakening?"

"Oh. Yeah, she told me I was disrespectful and nosey and that I should apologize to those I've hurt..." Mina explains, rolling her eyes as she goes back to looking at the ground. "She's right, I did more harm than good by sticking my nose where it didn't belong. My curiosity really does get the best of me."

"You mean well when you do, she doesn't see that. It's Momo, one of the most logical people in class; she never thinks with her heart. Otherwise she'd be taken. Why do you think no one has a crush on her? The guys are scared of her, no matter how pretty she is." He laughs as she shakes her head at his comment. "It's true! I'm pretty sure Iida had a crush on her in high school for like a month before he gave up on her."

"Huh, well that's none of my business; but that does suck for her. All the good guys are taken in a way."

"Damn right, I'm one of them because I got you."

"Wow, that sucked!"

"And you'd gladly swallow."

"Shut up."


If it wasn't clear before: THEY FUC-

*clears throat* Yeah they were friends with benefits this entire time. But now they're more... THEY'RE BEST FRIENDS WITH BENEFITS 😭.

Oh, and Momo is ace in this AU. She doesn't know it yet, so I might have a chapter explore her process of discovering that. Might use an OC or a character I haven't introduced yet... hmmm, I have an idea.

Next few chapters are going to be painful to read. The only warning you'll get: A FUCK TON OF SWEARING, CRYING, AND ANGST.

Hope you've enjoyed!
~Shadow Out!🌑

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