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Wails filled the dorms at the hour 3 am as the blond tried to shush the 1 week old newborn. The wails grew louder as he glanced around, hoping that no one was awake to bother them as he just wanted time to sleep and relax from the stressful week.

As Ami's due date approached, the woman constantly berated and threatened the blond for 'putting a baby in her' despite it being her own fault. She tried, on multiple accounts, to call the pro-hero to tell him how much she loved him as well—thoroughly angering him and ultimately causing for him to change his number. The day his son was born, the warden called him from Tartarus as he rushed to put on his shoes. Michiko tried to follow him out the door, but Eijiro was already on it; telling her that she got to spend the day with her favorite step-dad, despite not being married to Katsuki. The little blonde was excited, forgetting her father as he rushed out the door with Aizawa waiting by the car that would transport them to the highly guarded facility.

14 hours of paperwork later and Katsuma Bakugo was officially born. The boy was born with nearly dark purple eyes and a tuff of blonde hair, weighing around 7 pounds of pure chub. The reason for it taking 14 hours to do the paperwork was to double check that the baby was actually, in fact, Katsuki's— to which it was a definitive yes.

The older blonde rocks the carrier gently, hoping that the movement would calm the baby. Unfortunately, that wasn't the case as the wails only grew louder. The college hero stares down at the baby, zoning out as his mind begins to block out the sounds. He doesn't notice the light turning on nor the voices entering the room.

He snaps out of it when the carrier is taken out of his hand as well as the book-bag containing all the paperwork for his son is removed from his person. "Huh? What the hell?"

"Hey Kat. We heard crying and came to down to see you lost in your own mind. Wanna talk about it?" Eijiro questions as the blonde's face flushed gently, scowling a bit. "It's okay if you don't. I can take care of the baby for tonight. You must be exhausted."

"Whatever." He runs a hand over his face, taking a deep breath before removing it to look at his red headed boyfriend. "Thanks Ei..."

"No problem! By the way, Midoriya's behind you grabbing the bag. He came down, too."

"Oh... I guess thanks nerd. Where's that fucking Sparkle Bitch? I thought he'd want to rush down here to greet his nephew." Katsuki questions, walking the two men helping him to the elevator. They share a look before looking back at the blonde. "What the fuck are you looking at me like that for?"

"Uh Kacchan, did you forget that he's in the hospital taking care of Nanami and Nioki? They were born prematurely last week." Izuku explains slowly as the red eyed blonde blinks sluggishly. "You must be really tired, huh?"

"It's the bitch's fault. She wouldn't fucking push until I was in the room, so I had to stand there and hear her scream for three hours about how much she hated me. She wanted to hold my hand, but they kept telling her how dangerous that was and she didn't fucking care. So, a nurse tried to touch her and was knocked unconscious. She started fucking giggling." Katsuki deadpans as the other two gape. "Yeah... then when he finally came out, she wanted a family photo with me in it and that confused the hell out of everyone. But they agreed. So I stood far enough away from her with the baby in my hands, but she kept telling me to get closer. I scoot one inch closer and I'm knocked out for 4 hours. Luckily, Aizawa caught me. Then the goddamn paper work-!"

"You need sleep. I promise you that we got this. I have Katsuma and Mido has Michi. Sleep for as long as you need to, okay?" A kiss is planted onto his forehead as the blonde's face blooms red. "Goodnight, Kat. Night Midoriya!"

"Night Kiri!" Izuku whisper-shouts back before pressing the third floor button in the elevator after the two step off. "Night Kacchan!"

"Whatever nerd. Night Ei."


"Aww! He's so cute! He looks like a mini Bakugo!" Mina coos, looking at the tiny nugget of a baby squirm in his crib. "I just want to kiss his little cheeks and eat him up!"

"Don't eat my fucking son." Katsuki growls, pushing her away from the crib to look down at the little blonde. "What do you want? You keep fucking squirming."

"Maybe he needs a diaper change?" Eijiro suggests as the older blonde picks up the baby to smell his behind.

"Nope, clean."


"Just fed him half an hour ago."

"Perhaps he's bored."

"Babies can't get fucking bored. He's a day old, Asshat."

"No, no. I think Iida might be onto something." Izuku interrupts as everyone looks at him. "What if he is bored or he's just tired of being in the crib?"

"Fine, hold him." Katsuki places the baby in Izuku's hands as the greenette tries not to freak out. "Stop acting like you've never held a baby before."

"I haven't! Michiko was a few months old when I got to hold her!" He whines, lightly bouncing the baby who stops his wiggles momentarily. "I.... He stopped moving."

"Guess he likes you nerd. What the fuck is up with my children and liking losers." The blonde rolls his eyes, bending down to pick up a blanket and pacifier. Clipping the pacifier to the onesie and laying the blanket on the greenette's shoulder, he backs up before pulling out his phone to take a quick picture.


"What? Auntie and the Old Hag would want a picture." He snickers, sending it to the older women. A tug on his leg makes him look down to see his daughter who looks up at him. "What's up, brat?"

"Can I hold Suma, daddy?" She begs, pointing at her little brother who's being held by Izuku.

"Ask your uncle. He's the one holding her."

"Uncle Deku! Can I hold my baby brother?"

"Sure, but you have to sit down first."

The dark blonde haired girl sits down as she looks up to her uncle with grabby hands. He gently placed the swaddled baby in her arms. She stares in awe and freezes, looking at straight at the baby. "I love him.... Welcome home, Macchan."


Sorry that this took a minute to write. Been busy with winter break stuff and somehow found myself talking to this really funny guy. Been on my first ever real date and blah blah blah. Anyways!

Some quick notes: thanks for all the traction this book is picking up. Didn't expect that. I won't be making anymore blondes be related. It would cause some sort of incest circle at this point and that's not the point of this story. It was joke when I suggested it a while back, but I won't be doing it.

Um what else? Oh yeah! Future warning: There will be a lot of hateful comments, some diagnoses and a lot more drama in this part of the story. I might forget to leave them on certain chapters, so you are now warned.

Thank you all again and until the next chapter!

~Shadow Out!🌑

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